Kabanata 29 - Arrest the freefall of one's heart into the abyss of love.

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The first quarter of the new year was an absolute whirlwind that swept me up and kept me on my toes. During this time, the demands of my corporate clients took precedence over criminal cases. It marked the start of a new fiscal year for many businesses. From drafting contracts to attending court hearings, my schedule was jam-packed with clients clamoring for legal advice and representation. But what made this period particularly hectic for me was the influx of corporate clients facing legal issues. Many businesses conduct their annual audits and evaluations during the first quarter, which often uncover discrepancies or potential legal violations that require immediate attention. Companies and individuals seek services to review and update contracts, assess legal risks, and ensure compliance with new laws and regulations. As a result, I always found myself engaged in numerous corporate investigations, providing counsel to clients dealing with white-collar crimes, and working tirelessly to mitigate legal risks and protect the interests of my clients.

I didn't even have a chance to catch my breath after our return from Hawaii yesterday because, as soon as we landed, Javi called to let me know that I had a meeting scheduled with my client tomorrow, which was supposed to be today in the late afternoon. Instead of using this time to prepare my presentation, I found myself at the university, getting ready to meet with my students. But before anything else, I still needed to meet with Simeon to address an important matter.

It was true what Simeon said about the faculty being short-staffed and struggling to handle the large number of students in certain majors. Despite my initial desire to decline, I couldn't in good conscience because I was fully aware of the potential consequences if there were no longer any teachers available to educate the students, and their prospects would be at risk. Even though my schedule was already filled with numerous responsibilities and meetings, I knew I had to step up and devote my time to support and guide my students this semester. I knew that it would be challenging this time around because my class schedule shifted to the afternoon, unlike last semester when it was in the evening. This change was inconvenient for me, as I had many obligations to manage during daylight, making it difficult to balance everything. Thus, I decided to speak with Simeon about my schedule to find a solution that would work for me and ensure that it didn't become a hindrance to my commitments and tight schedule.

I was on my way to the dean's office when I noticed a student I recognized sitting on a bench outside the department underneath the Narra tree near the building. I took a moment to observe her as she kicked the falling branches of the tree into the ground while letting out a continuous stream of sighs. Unconsciously, I found myself drawn towards the tree where she stood and positioned myself at its side to get a better glimpse of her.

"Heaven, aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" I spoke up, causing her to startle in her seat. She turned towards me with a look of surprise, almost making me regret not announcing my presence beforehand. But I quickly dismissed any concerns as I realized how absolutely endearing she looked at the moment.

She immediately jumped to her feet and turned towards me. "Ceci! K-kanina pa kayo d'yan? I had no idea you were there!"

I took a couple of steps forward to meet her eye-to-eye and said, "I was just passing by when I spotted you looking like you had lost your way, so I figured I'd come over and save you from digging yourself into a heel-induced hole. Mind sharing why you're here instead of being in class?"

She resumed her previous mindless kicking spree on anything within reach before plopping back down onto the bench. "I was just sitting in class earlier, but Professor Palma kicked me out," she explained in a vulnerable and defeated tone.

"May I know what led to your expulsion from her class?" I asked with my eyebrows furrowed in interest. Everyone in the university was well aware of Professor Palma's reputation as a former disciplinarian. I was once her student back in college, and I knew her strict disciplinary background, but I could attest to her firm but fair approach toward her students.

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