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Taylor stood in front of her car, looking back at her high school. She was saying a silent goodbye to the building. As much as she had hated high school, she did have some good times within the walls of South High School. 

"Taylor, what are you doing out here?" P.J. Duncan's voice rang into the night. 

"I'm leaving." She said, unlocking her car. 

P.J. ran to her side, "Taylor please let me say something." 

"No P.J., I don't want to hear it, I've moved on. You can't just pull me back in now that you need something else from me." 

P.J. looked hurt. 

"What? I never wanted anything from you Taylor. I just... I'm an idiot." 

"I'm your tutor, P.J., I know you're an idiot." Taylor laughed. 

"Look Taylor, I'm so, so sorry. I know that doesn't help but I am. I just... without you riding me about it, I forgot. I'm used to girls calling the shots with relationships, not the other way around." He explained. 

Taylor shifted her weight, thinking about what to say next. 

"P.J..... I'm leaving." She opened her car door. 

"Well mabye we could get something to eat tomorrow night?" The boy suggested. 

"No, you hade your chance and you blew it. I'm leaving. I already graduated, I'm going to New York. I was waiting this whole time because I wanted to be with you... I wanted you to want to be with me. I thought that I could finally be normal and have a normal boyfriend and go on normal dates and go to the normal prom, but you're just everybody else, P.J., all you see when you look at me is some brainac freak. You had your chance, I waited for months." Taylor's voice broke. 

P.J. didn't know what to say, he looked down at his feet sheepishly. Taylor took his silence as an answer, and drove off. 

"I do want you, I don't want anyone else." P.J. whispered, but it was too late. 

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