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"P.J. how did that Biology test go?" Amy Duncan asked her oldest son as she prepared breakfast for her family. 

"Oh pretty good mom, I got a C+." Her son said proudly with a mouth full of eggs. 

"Well... at least you're not failing. I guess." 

"A C+? Are we sure the teacher didn't mix his test with someone else's?" P.J.'s younger brother, Gabe, teased.

"Ha-Ha, I'll have you know I earned that C+. I studied for like two days with Taylor." 

It was true, the tutoring that Taylor had been giving the boy was paying off. He was no longer failing any of his classes, and he had begun to do all of his homework regularly. Maybe this was the start of a new chapter for the Duncan boy. 

"This Taylor sounds very nice, why don't you invite her over for dinner one night? I'd love to get to know her. After all, this is the first time you've ever gotten a C+ on anything." Amy told her son. 

"I don't know mom, would you be cooking? I don't think I want to kill my tutor just yet, I have an Algebra test next week." 

Amy's face held a look of annoyance, "Very funny, no I won't cook if you feel that strongly about it. We can order in." 

"Awesome, I'll ask her today."

P.J. wondered how to ask the girl to his house. It wasn't very often he brought a girl home, for obvious reasons. It wasn't like this would be a date, she was his tutor. Maybe if he asked her to move the tutoring session to his house this Thursday. Yeah, that could work. 

"Taylor, hey!" P.J. stopped the girl in the hallway. 

Taylor looked surprised that P.J. was talking to her outside of the Library. Boys never stopped her to talk in the hallway. 

"Yeah, P.J.?" 

"Um so listen, I have to babysit my little sister on Thursday, my mom has to work. So I was wondering if maybe we could just have our tutoring session at my house? If that's okay?" 

"Oh, um, yeah that's fine. I'll just meet you there?" 

"Yeah, yeah perfect. And my sister is a total angel, you won't even know she's there." The boy promised. 

"It's all good, I love babies." Taylor assured him, and started heading to class. 

"Oh my God, he just asked you out." Diana yelled. 

"No he didn't, he has to watch his sister. I'm going to be teaching him how to factor polynomials, I'd hardly call that a date." 

"Whatever, that was so him asking you out." Diana told her friend, and made her way to English. 

Taylor thought it over, was this a date? It couldn't be. The pair had only known each other for about a week and besides the occasional wave in the hallway, they had only ever seen each other at the library. 

There was just no way that P.J. Duncan would ask Taylor on a date. 

"Boys like him just didn't date girls like me.", she thought. 

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