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Taylor had been spending so much time helping P.J. study that she hadn't spent nearly enough time for herself. So, she had called an emergency best friend meeting to do some last-minute cramming. Of course, Diana wasn't much help with studying, but she was great moral support. 

"Seriously, you're the smartest person I know, take a chill pill." Diana said, trying once more to pull Taylor from her studying. 

"I know I'm smart, that's not the point. I've totally neglected my notes since I've been helping P.J." 

"You must really like this boy if you're going to neglect your note-taking. I didn't realize this was so serious." Diana teased her friend. 

Diana had been trying to get gossip out of Taylor for the past hour, to no avail. When Taylor got in the groove, she'd be studying for hours. 

"If you're not going to give me any more details on your love life, I'm going to go get a snack." Diana pushed herself off the bed and exited Taylor's bedroom. 

Taylor sighed, pushing her hair out of her face. She knew that Diana was teasing, but her words struck Taylor deeply. 

P.J. took a lot of babysitting when it came to studying. Would getting into a relationship with him effect her grades? 

It couldn't. P.J. respected how much time she spent studying, and he'd never do anything to impose on her studying time. 


Maybe she and P.J. were too different. They didn't have much in common at all on paper. The more Taylor thought about it, she realized they didn't have much in common at all. 

Taylor's feelings for the boy were almost solely based on his nice hair and caring personality. 

"Diana? Do you think that P.J. and I are too different?" She asked her friend.

"Different? I don't think you guys are the same in any way, like at all." She replied. 

Taylor's face fell. 

"But you guys would be totally cute, like sometimes it's good to be different. We're nothing alike." She quickly added, noticing the look on the brunette's face. 

"I guess so." Taylor said, getting back to her notes. 

"Don't sweat it, Taylor. You could use a guy like P.J., you need to loosen up a little; and if I can't get you to stop studying things you already know, maybe he can." 

Taylor knew her friend was right, she always was. But she couldn't shake the pit in her stomach. 

She had put a lot of work into helping P.J. study so they could be together. It had never occurred to her that she might not get any of that time back. The relationship might not even last as long as the months spent preparing for it. 

But Diana was right, opposites attract. Maybe she did need to let loose a little. 

"You know what, I know this stuff. And who cares if I don't? I have a 4.7 GPA, I can afford to flunk a final." Taylor said, closing her textbook. 

"Taylor, are you feeling okay?" Diana dramatically felt her forehead.

"Never better my friend."  

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