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"I totally returned that top to you." Diana Mathews promised her best friend.

"No, you didn't. I keep an inventory of all my clothes, and last week's check shows that it's still missing." Taylor told the girl. 

Diana and Taylor had been friends since fourth grade when they had been assigned as partners to do a project on Alaska. The two had been friends ever since. Although they had had their spats over the years, the two were as close as ever. 

"Geez, Monica, I'll check tonight."

"I'll check for you, I'm coming over, remember?" Taylor shut the door to her perfectly organized locker and walked through the hall with her friend. 

"I thought you had to tutor today?" 

"No, that was yesterday. I don't do Wednesdays anymore. I traded with that boy Dylan." 

"What? Girl, spill how was it? Was he cute?" Diana gushed to her friend, wanting all the details. 

Taylor tried to remember the boy's face, but was only able to picture his messy, blonde hair. She had only known him for two hours, and was unable to make a fair ruling as to whether he was cute or not.

"I dunno" Taylor shrugged.

"You "dunno". Please, you so love him." 

"No I don't. I've never loved anyone, and if I did, it wouldn't be him. He was seven minutes late." 

"Oh good Heavens! Seven minutes!" Diana mocked her friend. 

The bell rang, sending the pair their separate ways. It was true, Taylor Peters had never loved anyone. She had only ever had one boyfriend, Clark Anderson, he was a year older than she, and they had broken up long ago when he left for college. 

Clark was a nice boy, but not the kind you fall in love with. Maybe Taylor was too cynical, or maybe she just wanted her first love to be special. Someone who was on time. Not the blonde boy who didn't have a care in the world, or a pencil in his pocket. 

No, Taylor thought. P.J. Duncan would never make her feel anything other than annoyance. 

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