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Taylor had spent the weekend stewing in her anger. P.J. hadn't called all weekend. The last she had heard from him was when he texted her to break their date.

Taylor wasn't usually  one to be angry, but with Diana cheering it on she had worked herself up quite a bit. 

"Taylor!" P.J.'s voice called as she passed him in the hallway. 

She kept walking. 

"Don't look back, don't look back, DO NOT look back." Diana whispered in her ear. 

When the duo reached the girl's bathroom, Taylor let out a giggle. 

"Oh my God, Diana! I've never done anything like that before." She laughed.

"What? Ignored a boy? God, you have so much catching up to do before we're seniors." 

The girls' giggled were stopped when the door to the bathroom opened, revealing Teddy Duncan. Taylor pretended to be washing her hands, avoiding eye contact as Teddy entered a stall. 

"Could you be anymore awkward?" Diana hissed. 

"Get off my back, this is my first time having a bathroom encounter with my ex-boyfriend's sister." 

"He isn't your ex, he totally played you. That's two different things." 

"That is what you're focusing on right now?" 

Teddy walked up beside the friends, stopping their bickering. 

"Oh, um, Taylor? I was wondering if I could borrow your notes from Art on Friday? I was absent." Teddy asked. 

"For sure, yeah. I'll bring them to you during class." 

"Thanks, I really appreciate it. I usually never miss class, but my little sister was super sick and my parents couldn't get off work to take care of her." 

Taylor and Diana shared a look. 

"Well, I'll see ya!" Teddy left the bathroom. 

"Oh no." Taylor groaned. 

P.J.'s sister really was sick. And that made her a total jerk. 

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