Chapter 22: Darkness Approaching

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Aric, donned in regal armor, stepped out of the castle, flanked by Luscious. As he walked along the path lined with soldiers, a diverse assembly of men, beasts, and magical creatures, a palpable tension hung in the air. The eyes of the army were fixed on their leader, awaiting the words that would stir their spirits.

Approaching a raised platform in the midst of the assembly, Aric, clad in his regal armor, stepped up with purpose. The eyes of the assembled army were fixed on him, awaiting the words that would rally their spirits for the impending battle.

"Today, we stand at the precipice of destiny, facing a darkness that seeks to engulf our lands. But we are not mere pawns in a malevolent game. No, we are free men, each with the power to control our own destiny," Aric proclaimed, his voice echoing with authority.

He paced the platform, gesturing toward the diverse assembly of soldiers before him. "Look around you. We are a force united, a tapestry woven with the threads of men, beasts, and creatures of magic. Our strength lies not just in our individual might but in our collective unity."

Aric's gaze swept across the faces of his army, each one bearing the weight of impending conflict. "Our homes, our families, and our very freedom are at stake. We must emerge victorious, not just for ourselves but for the memory of Agape—the leader who sacrificed everything for us."

A pause hung in the air as Aric descended from the platform, a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. The crowd, momentarily silenced, anticipated the next revelation. 

As Aric stood there among the men, the look on his face told that there was a battle currently being fought away from the field and in his soul. Aric attempted to step back, but he hesitated and began to once again ascend up the platform.

"Agape didn't just die at the hands of darkness; he sacrificed himself for me. He gave his life so that I may live," Aric confessed, his words carrying the weight of the truth. "I thought he hated me or wished to see me fail, but in reality, he believed in a cause greater than any one of us. He believed in our freedom." 

Aric's voice wavered, and he took a moment to address the unspoken burden he had carried. "I owe you all an apology. I kept the true nature of Agape's death a secret, fearing it might undermine your trust. But I realize now that trust is built on truth. Agape's sacrifice wasn't just for me; it was for every one of us. I ask for your forgiveness for not sharing this sooner."

"I share this with you not to claim some unearned trust or devotion, but because you deserve to know the sacrifices made for the sake of our cause. If any among you wish to step back, you may. But the evil is knocking at our door, and we must face it whether we desire it or not."

Aric's voice resonated with conviction as he addressed the crowd. "Yes, I am an unfit king. Maybe, I am no king at all. I've tried to convince myself otherwise, but the truth is, I am just the son of a beet farmer. However, it is in the strength of every man, in the unity found in being common men, that a nation rises."

He lifted his head high, looking to the future. "So, now, we must do our duty. We must defend what is ours—for the sake of our families, for the sake of Agape, and for the sake of our freedom. Most of all for the sake of Celestia!"

The crowd stood in a moment of contemplative silence until, breaking through, a single voice shouted, "Long live the King!" The sentiment echoed and grew into a chorus of cheers and chants, resonating with newfound determination. The rallying cry of "Long live the King!" enveloped the army, becoming a powerful anthem that would carry them into the battle against Sinestros.

As the chants of "Long live the King" echoed through the air, Aric took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of relief and gratitude. Stepping down from the platform, he instinctively moved to hand his crown to Luscious. However, Luscious stopped him, a glint of pride in his eyes.

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