Chapter 1: The Sins of The Past

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Our story unfolds in the ancient village of Grimhaven, nestled deep within a formidable valley encircled by majestic mountains and tranquil lakes. At first glance, it was a breathtaking place, a haven of natural beauty. Yet, beneath this scenic facade, a stark reality prevailed - one where the rich wielded power and the poor toiled ceaselessly for their masters. The village, its architecture an odd testament to desperation, had grown skyward, as its inhabitants, desperate for space, constructed new layers atop the old.

As corrupt governors ascended to power through dubious means and bribery, they ruthlessly exploited the common folk. The rich became richer, and the poor were left with nothing. Wealthy potentates would construct extravagant monuments using the taxes forced upon the workers, leading to disastrous architectural decisions such as ill-placed dams, and canals that ran through the very heart of the city. Perhaps the pinnacle of this excess was a large pool constructed on top of the city hall, a whimsical desire of the cardinal's wife for a beach-themed ball. Of course, after the party, people soon forgot about it, and due to a lack of maintenance, it began to leak into the city.

Neglected and unsupported, the city hall's roof eventually gave away, unleashing a deluge of water that inundated the city. The wealthy elite was practically unaffected, merely raising taxes to mend the damages, For the impoverished, hundreds of dead, destroyed houses, and ruined businesses were what they received.

The history of Grimhaven is in the best words described as lost in time. What is known is that after long enough, there was a civil war between the common folk and the wealthy. Of course, the rich landowners and kings left before the first sword was drawn, hiring mercenaries to come and quell the rebellion.

All that is known is in the midst of this strife a great leader whose name faded into oblivion rose up from the ranks of the common people. This forgotten hero would rally the beleaguered masses, breathing hope into their desolate hearts.

As the armies amassed around the great city walls, this hero spoke to his people in such a way that no one thought they could be defeated.

As time passed, the attacks began. What once was a great city was now an unrecognizable pile of ash. Thousands perished, and hundreds more suffered grievous wounds.

Hour after hour, wave after wave of assaults came, yet the people clung to hope. Our hero knew defeat was inevitable, and so did his men. Encouraged by his advisor, he rode out to the gate to offer defeat

Surveying the devastation, he understood that their way of life, their cherished homeland, and their people would be erased, but surrender offered a glimmer of hope - a chance, however faint, for their memory of the past to endure into the future. He looked up at the beauty of the landscape one last time knowing that after this, life would never be the same. He cast one last gaze upon the landscape he cherished, beholding the towering mountains and inhaling the scent of the air tinged with the smell of fire. His gaze landed upon the dam, a folly of the wealthy drunken architects, which, when opened, unleashed torrents of water towards the city.

Suddenly, inspiration struck. In the past, whenever those floodgates were opened, the unchained torrents of water would threaten the city's existence if not contained by careful management. He had his army retreat to the mountain behind the city through the night as he sent a small band of men to the dam. He provided them a solemn command, when the sunsets on the morrow, release the deluge.

The next day, he went out of the city to issue an official surrender, yet, he knew this was a mere distraction. He met with the hired general, and throughout the day, they wrangled over terms. The rebel leader negotiated the entire day to let the time pass until finally in a fit of rage, the enemy general forced him to sign the surrender. In that fateful moment, as the ink dried at the stroke of sunset, a thunderous roar reverberated throughout the land, and within moments, everything was swept away.

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