Chapter 3: Welcome to Celestia

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The forest of Celestia stretched out before Seraph and Aric, its ancient trees reaching for the sky like towering guardians of a hidden world. The air was thick with the scent of wildflowers, and the gentle rustling of leaves whispered secrets only the forest understood.

Having been transported to this realm in a whirlwind of chaos, the memory of their past lives in Grimhaven lingered like a distant dream, and the weight of their mission bore down on them.

Seraph's determination remained unshaken, a beacon of hope in this unfamiliar land. She gazed at the mystical forest with a sense of wonder, eager to uncover its secrets. Beside her, Aric clenched his fists, his eyes filled with a mixture of uncertainty and resolve. He was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, but the unknown was a formidable adversary.

Led by their enigmatic saviors, they took their first steps deeper into Celestia, the dappled sunlight guiding their way. As they ventured further from the forest's edge, the enchanting beauty of this realm began to reveal itself. Strange and colorful flora adorned the forest floor, and ethereal creatures flitted through the trees, their presence both captivating and mysterious.

Yet, even amid the wonder, there was a palpable sense of unease. The forest seemed to watch them with ancient eyes, and Seraph couldn't shake the feeling that they were being guided by forces beyond their comprehension.

With every step, the path ahead grew less defined, and the air hummed with a sense of foreboding. Seraph and Aric knew that their journey was far from over, and the challenges that awaited them in Celestia were unlike anything they had ever faced.

As they pressed onward, their bond as friends and allies grew stronger, and the weight of their mission forged a determination that would see them through the darkest of times. Together, they would unravel the mysteries of this magical realm and confront the darkness that threatened not only Grimhaven but also the delicate balance of Celestia.

The destiny of two worlds hung in the balance, and as Seraph and Aric ventured deeper into the unknown, they carried with them the hopes and dreams of all who yearned for a better future.

It was early into the morning, Aric was uncomfortable after he had refused help from the others, and built his own feeble shelter while Seraph slept in a tent made by the surprisingly respectful people who had saved them. Seraph, though as comfortable as one can ask for still could not sleep as she thought about her brother. The strange man had promised that John was safe, but she could not help herself from worrying.

While she pondered a million different thoughts in her head, she heard a strange noise outside her tent.

"It must be Aric; he has always been a loud snorer." she thought to herself to soothe her own mind. It was not until the noise happened again that she got slightly startled.

Slowly the noise got louder and seemed closer as she wondered if anyone was awake.

Seraph quietly stood up out of her fancy bed and grabbed a small candle by her side. With every step, she became even more frightened at what was on the other side of the entrance, yet her curiosity overpowered her fear. Finally, after what seemed like an hour's walk but only took ten steps, she approached the entrance of her tent. Slowly pulling back the curtain that was her door, she peered one eye out. What appeared in front of her was a large dark shadow.

She flung the curtain closed and took a few steps back. That's when it heard her and started getting closer. Closer, and closer to the door it came as Seraph got more and more frightened, and when it finally reached the door, Seraph held her breath as it walked in.

She shined a bit of light on it, her hand shaking when they made eye contact.

At the same time, both Seraph and the creature began to let out hollow screams as neither of them could muster a sound.

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