Chapter 2: The Whisper of Destiny

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"Treason and conspiracy against the kingdom?" Aric exclaimed with a mixture of frustration and curiosity. "Is this about the debts? Because we possess enough valuables that could settle whatever is currently due."

"Silence!" roared the captain as his voice echoed throughout the surroundings, drawing more attention. "We have orders from the king himself to come and arrest your family, and rest assured, you are destined for the darkest corners of his dungeon for your crimes."

"What crimes?" Seraph cried out, tears of rage streaming down her cheeks. "This family has done nothing but act as loyal subjects to the king ever since he rose to power!"

"They are here to cause fear," Aric retorted somberly as he attempted to comfort Seraphina, saying, "Come on, this must be another one of the king's fear tactics to keep the populace on edge. We all know that this region hasn't been meeting the requirements for taxes recently. This is likely a public spectacle."

As Aric finished this statement, one of the guards brutally slapped Seraph, her cheek reddening as she fell to the ground.

"Any person who harbors traitors or conspires among them will be arrested," the guard sneered, glancing at Seraph. "Now, why would a lovely girl like you ruin her life by associating with these vermin? How about you do something for us, and we'll forget all this happened?"

At that moment, with nothing but rage filling his eyes, Aric broke free from the guard's grip and bolted toward Seraph to protect her, yelling as he tackled the guard. "Don't you ever touch her like that, you hear me!"

"Enough!" the captain commanded with an air of authority that made the mountains listen intently. "Take them all to the court. We'll hold the trial at noon. Let God have mercy on their souls."

With this, the guards marched their prisoners up the flower-surrounded path that now seemed like an ominous road leading to death itself. As they went through the main village area, they came to their stop, the courtyard. Here, it was that our characters' fate was to be decided.

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice dripping with entitlement sprang out from a judge who had abandoned his reputation as an honest man, taking bribes from wealthy gamblers so that they could get out of paying their debts. "Hear ye, hear ye, we are gathered here on this day for the trial of the Valorious family, which will provide a public example, a testament to why no one can conspire against the king and escape punishment. Let it be known to all that this is not merely a trial of individuals; this is an examination of the darkest potential within us all. This family stands accused of the gravest crime against our country, treason. Accompanying these traitors is a young girl who will be separately tried for harboring these rebels."

As the trial began, actors paid to deceive were brought forward as apparent witnesses. At every moment, when Aric would attempt a defense for himself, a guard standing right by him would silence him. This continued in a cycle until one witness claimed he had overheard both Aric and Seraph conspiring a plot to assassinate the king. He ranted on about how Aric had shirked his work all day, and why? According to the man, so that he could meet up with his associates for a secret meeting.

Finally, having had enough, Aric shouted, "That is not true, and neither is anything that has come out of the mouths of these deceitful men!"

The judge began to further inquire, stopping the guard from silencing Aric, saying, "Well, if what this man says is false, why is it that no one steps up to testify of your presence elsewhere? Why does no one testify that you were indeed at home the entire day, working as the rest of these good people do? If you are truly innocent as you claim, where were you when the guards arrived at your door?"

Aric shamefully replied, "I was... I was at the girl's house."

"Treason!" yelled the judge, attempting to sway his already prejudiced jury. "What more evidence is necessary? This man and his family have not only neglected their work but have conspired a plan to kill our great king. I need not see any more; your sentence is death." With the booming slam of a gavel, the trial concluded, and looking at each other with fright branded on their faces, Aric and Seraph knew that somehow, someone had orchestrated this intentionally.

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