Chapter 21: Final Preperations

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High atop the mountain, Sinestros sat astride his imposing black horse, a figure veiled in shadows and malevolence. His long black hair hung disheveled, a testament to the darkness that had practically consumed him. By his side, mounted on a caramel-colored horse, stood Ulrich, a loyal companion in the impending storm.

In Sinestros's hand, a staff pulsated with dark energy, and in the other, he held an intricately crafted obsidian telescope. Behind them, stretching as far as the eye could see, lay the vast expanse of his formidable army, clad in dark armor and fueled by the sinister forces that bound them.

As the fog began to lift, revealing the sprawling camp below, Sinestros peered through the telescope. The distant silhouette of Meadowshore castle emerged, a foreboding sight in the morning light.

Ulrich, ever vigilant, spoke in hushed tones, "My Lord, the forces of Celestia gather at the castle. The time is ripe to unleash our darkness upon them."

Sinestros, fixated on the unfolding scene, replied with a voice that echoed with both certainty and malice, "Yes, Ulrich. It is time. Celestia will bow before Grimhaven, and its feeble ruler will fall."

Ulrich, sensing the tension in Sinestros's demeanor, gestured toward the coast. "My Lord, look there. The Lumindale coast, where the Celestians fortify their defenses."

Sinestros, misinterpreting Ulrich's intention, snapped defensively, "Watch where you point, Ulrich. The staff is not to be taken lightly."

Ulrich, undeterred, lowered his hand and bowed slightly. "My apologies, my Lord. I did not mean to overstep."

Sinestros, the protective aura around his staff evident, relaxed slightly. "It matters not. Soon, the coast will be bathed in the darkness we bring. The time for subtlety has passed."

The air in Sinestros's camp resonated with an ominous energy as preparations for the impending assault continued. The lieutenant who had earlier reported to Sinestros approached with a scroll in hand, bowing respectfully before addressing his lord.

"My Lord Sinestros, the scouts have confirmed the presence of Celestia's forces within Meadowshore castle. They seem to be preparing for a formidable defense."

Sinestros, still focused on the distant castle, replied with a tone that mirrored the impending storm. "Let them fortify their walls. It will make their defeat all the more satisfying. The darkness will consume Meadowshore, and Celestia will tremble."

The lieutenant, acknowledging his lord's command, retreated to oversee the final preparations. Sinestros turned his attention back to Ulrich, who awaited further orders.

"Ulrich," Sinestros commanded, "prepare the army. We march upon Meadowshore at the break of dawn. The darkness shall be our ally, and the feeble light of Celestia shall be extinguished."

Ulrich, ever loyal, bowed deeply. "As you command, my Lord."

The atmosphere in Sinestros's camp grew tense as the night unfolded. Torches flickered, casting eerie shadows on the armor-clad soldiers. Sinestros, still mounted on his black horse, gazed at the castle in the distance, his mind consumed by visions of conquest and the taste of victory.

As the moon ascended in the night sky, Sinestros's camp became a shadowy realm, a staging ground for the imminent clash that would decide the fate of Celestia. The darkened figures of the soldiers moved with purpose, their loyalty to Sinestros unwavering.

Sinestros, enveloped in the aura of the staff, muttered to himself, "Celestia, your feeble light will be extinguished, and the shadows shall reign. The time has come to claim what is rightfully mine."

The Hero's PilgrimageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora