A wedding to remember

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The ceremony is beautiful. I watch Hare and Oak exchange heartfelt vows in their tongue, quickly translated for me by Fern, who insisted Deliah and I are seated with the royal family and their close friends. Wolf is to his left, and we watch as Oak offers Hare a flower, which he tucks into his intricately woven hair. Then they exchange rings. I'm surprised the ritual is so similar to a human wedding, though, that aside, there really seems to be no particular dress code.

I spot rows and rows of women in dresses far more intricate than mine, men wearing robes and suits and coats the likes of which I have never seen or imagined, though it never threatens to be garish. Everyone is incredibly elegant, most of all the queen, sitting above, behind us on the side balcony with her husband, the king, a thin framed and kind man that rarely leaves his study.

Her dress is a light spring green and drapes over her, glittering in gold and bronze. I don't dare to look at her for too long, though. I know she doesn't like me, and her icy blue eyes scare me. I am seated between Fern and the wife of his oldest brother, Hawk, a tall blonde with a serious disposition. She's holding the hand of her son, a little redhead like his mother, with a freckle kissed face. He is about ten, I'd say, and adorable. Well behaved, too, attentively watching the ceremony. He must be bored.

The woman notices I'm watching her son, and she smiles.
"Hi, I'm Rose, and this is Fox. I'm guessing you are Alice, good to meet you."
She whispers. I shake her hand and return the introduction.
"Yeah I'm Alice."

Suddenly everyone stands up and I scramble to follow suit as everyone moves to the front. I shuffle along and suddenly feel a pair of hands on my shoulders. I turn. It's Wolf.
"Relax, Alice. We're just going up front to congratulate the grooms. You go to Hare, because you are with his family, and I'm with you, so I go to Oak."
I remember what my lessons with Fern taught me.
"Right, the letters..."

Hare is going to hand me a letter with a name for the first dance, a stranger... When it is my turn to receive the little envelope from Hare he winks.
I say, as I receive the paper slip and Hare whispers to me in return.
"I made sure this one was especially for you..."
Hare kisses my cheeks and I return the gesture. As I step away, I notice the little pink marking on the corner of the fine paper envelope.

Hare barely knows me, but he, like his little brother, is instantly willing to stick up for me. I love their family so much, and I wish I had been born as one of them, and not an Angel.
"We should open ours together!"
Fern waves to me and I notice he is holding his envelope.
"Let's do it."
I reply, and we both open the envelope at the same time. The wax seal snaps, satisfying, I think.

Fern grins and holds his up
"Lucky me"
The note reads "Deliah Jackson ", And she smiles wide, offering her hand to Fern.
"What a wild coincidence!"

I laugh and slip my own note from its envelope.
"Wolf, looks like we're dance partners today."
He takes me by the arm and tucks me into his side gently.
"Hare knew what he was doing. He looked out for us."
I push against him slightly.
"I know. He and Fern are princes, but somehow they are some of the best and most down to earth people I've met."

Wolf smiles and brushes a strand of my hair out of my forehead.
"That's why I choose to be around them... they really are good people."
Fern taught me a bit of dancing, but I'm still worried.
"I'm nervous"
I admit to the scout, and he hums.
"You just have to be present for one dance, then we can grab some food and sneak out to the gardens."

I beam. I love the gardens, but I haven't had the time to properly enjoy them in a while. They must be breathtaking at night.
"Deal, now come on."
I grasp his hand and we follow the stream of people to the large ballroom on the ground floor of the palace. I see people throwing glances our way, and I wonder how much further the rumours will go after today.

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