An excursion

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Two weeks passed in a flash for me, and thanks to Fern and I's newfound bond, even my training has been going well. My only lamentation is that Wolf has been more distant since I pushed him away. He has been his usual friendly self, but he avoids me, and I can't help but feel he is hurt.

All the more surprising, then, that I find him in front of my door early one sunny morning, with a basket tucked under his arm and a sheepish expression in his moss green eyes.

"Good morning... Alice. I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me on an outing. To get your mind off things for a while."
He is dressed nicer than I am used to seeing him, having traded his scout attire for a cream-coloured tunic over soft fabric pants stuffed into his usual boots, which he seems to have been unable to ditch. It suits him.

"May I ask where we would be going?"
I raise my eyebrows, and he gestures to his basket.
"Just a picnic in the woods. A ride and a bit of fresh air..."
I watch his face. He still can't look me in the eye, but I feel he is sincerely trying to make amends. I have to smile when I remember how much sass he gave me when we first met. My initial interpretation of his character was so far off base, I'm fairly sure it wasn't even on the same plane of existence.

"Sounds good. Let me get changed into something more comfortable."
He visibly breathes a sigh of relief and Wolf smiles.
"Dress for the weather. Today is wonderfully warm and I plan to keep you for at least a half day."
I reply with a smile of my own and shut the door softly. I hurry to dress, pulling a gown of light green fabric from the massive wooden wardrobe. In moments like these I wish Deliah was here, but alas, she is still in the infirmary.

I tie a slender necklace around my neck and barely have the time to wonder if I have time for makeup but grab my bow and quiver out of reflex instead. I hurry into the hallway to meet with Wolf.

The scout is standing with his back to the wall, fidgeting with a knife.
"I'm ready."
I cross my arms, and he meets me with a much brighter smile now.
"Alice, that..."

I tilt my head as he looks me over.
"That dress suits you."
For a moment I detect shame in him, but he pushes it aside to offer me his arm.
"I want to show you my favourite spot. where I go when I'm feeling down."
I take the offered guidance and we walk down the hallway together, in merciful silence. We quickly reach the courtyard, where a horse is waiting, large and brown, with big, loyal eyes. I love horses.

I greet the beast with pats to her soft nose, and she blows a warm breath onto my hand.
"Do you need help getting up?"
Wolf steps to my side, and I decide it feels good to be close with him again.
"She's pretty big. I'd appreciate some help-"

Before I can finish my sentence, I'm lifted onto her back by the much taller scout.
"Her name is Westwind, by the way."
He gracefully sits behind me and reaches around me to take up the reigns.
"We'll work on teaching you to ride... just hold on tight and let me know if you're worried."

I lean back and smile up to him.
"Oh don't worry about me, I've ridden horses before."
He raises his eyebrows and peers down at me from above. He trades me a smile.
"Full of surprises as always, Alice."
His eyes give me comfort for a moment, but he breaks our gazes apart and lightly pads his heels against Westwind's flanks.

we ride at a leisurely pace. I see we draw attention as we ride through the city, but I could not care less of the keen eyes following us. I feel light, somehow. After weeks of grief I can finally focus on something that doesn't remind me that some of my closest friends may be gone... are near certainly gone.

I focus on Wolf's breathing and the steady beat of hooves on the footpath. The noise subsides slowly, and when I pay attention to anything but the noise around me again, we have made it into the forest bordering the city. Birds are chirping, and the morning is still early as the sunlight peeks through the leaves overhead and warms my skin.

"Back home we never had forest... just the backyard... I think I like this better."
I muse, and Wolf replies with a hum.
"How are you feeling, now?"
I hesitate to answer him, as I feel into my soul to see.
"I am... fine right now. bereaved, but fine."

Two weeks ago I would have never dreamed of using a word like "bereaved", how ridiculous... but as much as I hate to admit it, these woods and the city have begun feeling like home. My friends are here, my rooms are here, and my loyalty is too. It's what the queen wants, I think, but defiantly, I am loyal to the elves because of Fern, and Wolf, and all the other kind people I have met, not because of her or her little mind games.
"That is good to hear... I hope to make you smile today."

For a moment, the silence soaks into my mind and I have half the mind to apologise for pushing him away, but I cannot get the words to come out of my mouth. Instead I yawn and stretch, and Wolf replies with a chuckle.

I try to make Smalltalk as we move along.
"Did you take Fern on a trip too? He also lost someone, you know?"
Wolf exhales into my hair.
"Fern is strong, he told me so himself. He will be alright; I trust in it."

We travel in silence for several minutes before he picks the line of conversation back up.
"Did he tell you?"
I nod, understanding what he means.
"Yes, he did. It cleared up a lot for me."
My voice is firm, and I no longer waver at the thought.
"I... thought I loved him, and I think he thought he needed to love me. It doesn't matter now."

I feel a hand brushing through my hair softly.
"I see..."
I lean into the touch as though out of reflex. Wolf answers quietly.
"Fern wasn't so lucky I suppose..."
This time I shake my head. Poor Fern was truly in love with John, and he was not only dumped, but then promptly put in charge of the new woman...
"I really hope he will be alright..."

Suddenly, Wolf clicks his tongue, and Westwind takes off, darting at breakneck speed. I clutch onto the saddle, and Wolf wraps me tight in his arms to prevent me from falling. I make a startled noise, and he replies with a yell of triumph.
I call out as we slow to a trot once more.

"Sorry... so sorry... I just felt I had to..."
I reply with a giggle.
"Wanted to break up the atmosphere?"
wolf hugs me tight from behind and presses his face into my shoulder.
"you're laughing..."
He says, and I realise he's right. He made me laugh.
"I am."

Our ride has stopped at a crossroads, marked by a lantern, hanging, like the ones in the doorways. I open my eyes fully and try to discern the markings on the wooden sign just before the lantern.
"What's it say?"

Wolf raises his head and points to the sign, sounding out each elvish letter to me, before translating.
"East, to the scoutman's trail, west, to the lake, southwest to the deep woodland. Beware of fae."

I take it in.
"Are we going to the lake?"
Wolf replies with a laugh.
"no... I have a spot in mind."
With a click of his tongue, we continue our journey- to the east.

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن