battle business

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Michael looks around the small town.
"where could she be?"
He closes his eyes and reaches out his spirit around the area to try and pick up a spiritual trace of the fallen or the hostage. nothing, but his ears picked up a sound in the distnace. the howling of werewolves. a small bit of panic shoots through him, but he forces his breathing to even out. that seems like a hint. 

he ties his helmet to the motorcycle and starts to cautiously approach the area he can sense the werewolves in now that he is closer. the stench of blood is on the air, normal humans can't smell it but he can, there is fighting. he summons his weapon, a slender lance, to fight if he needs to.

he will likely need to, so he readies himself.

Ophelia smirks over the screen on the phone as she turns to persephone, who has a lollypop wedged between her plump lips, painted a shiny pink colour.
"We're close, the tracker says they are moving a few miles ahead."
the vampire starts to walk towards the location on the tracker.

"huh... the air feels wrong, are you sure this is it? I don't sense an arch angel anywhere..."
The angel saunters along and doesn't even bother looking at the device. she just wants to go back to her cozy chambers.

"Maybe the fallen found a way to suppress the signature. so take the arch angel out of the equasion, does the signature match?"
The seer ponders the question and sighs, batting her eye lashes.
"Yeah it does, so let's go, I hate the snow, let's just get the girl back and go home, I need hot chocolate."

The red haired woman raises her eyebrow as they walk through the now much more shallow snow.
"I thought you weren't allowed to have any dairy?"
The angel scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest with a pouty expression.
"well you just made me trudge through snow for hours and hours and now you want to control what I eat?"

the vampire looks slightly ticked off but she knows she has to bare the mood swings of the angelic seer. it's a job, she tells herself quietly, it will be over soon.
"fair enough. then let's get on the road and get this over with."
Persephone smiles, finally seeming pleased.
"see, why not always so reasonable? onwards"

I swing my staff around and fling away a wolf, ahead I can see john and deliah fighting tooth and nail. deliah is holding a glowing bluish sword, the blade looks like it has been snapped in half somehow. likewise John is holding a scythe that appears to be broken, the end of the blade jagged and serraded.

when Deliah sees me she looks horrified, but as she spots me holding the staff and the white wolf behind me the confidence returns to her. she points it out to john who's head snaps towards me. he darts towards us.

"what are you doing here? go back, it's dangerous!"
I give him a defiant look.
"I'm fine, as you can see I've been fighting for myself."
I hear Naz growling behind me but I settle him down with a wave of my hand. I slam the staff into the frozen ground and raise my chin in pride. John takes a deep breath but he stops himself from yelling again.

"fine the-"
he stops and his face twists with anger, it takes me a few seconds to realize he is no longer looking at me but rather what is behind me. I turn around to see a pair of white wings, belonging to a young man with brown hair. I lift up my staff but the two angels are making eye contact. I am shoved to the side as John starts towards him.

Nazim and I fight our way through the left over stragglers, I crane my neck often to watch as John and the angel clash together, weapons ringing and mixing in with the left over growls and grunts from those in battle. I can't stand watching John fight alone like this... but he can handle himself, right? besides he has deliah backing him up... but her words ring in my ears, they become less powerful... I see his wings, shimmering and blue and beautiful...

before naz can stop me I jump into the way of an attack from the angel against john that would have hit him in the flank, blocking it with my pole. my feet scrape over the ground from the force as the wooden object, metal tipped or not, is cleaved in half by the force of the lance, but I hold my ground. I hold both of them up towards the angel, who looks confused and panicked.

"Miss alice?"
he asks quietly as he lowers his weapon to the ground. I furrow my brows and lift my chunks of wood up, the splintered edge is sharp, I could probably fend him off...
"that's me, what do you want?"
I hear john saying my name sharply but I step forward, I'm over cowering.
"I'm here to rescue you. I know you have been hurt by them... you don't have to fight anymore..."

I scowl at him defiantly.
"I'm totally fine, I don't need saving."
His face goes from worried pity to stunned confusion.
"you can tell my father to shove it, I'm not coming back"
john sounds pissed but I ignore him. the angel in front of me drops his lance and it disappears into shiny pearlescent dust. He steps towards me.
"did they do this to you? altered your memories?"
I shake my head and drop my pole halves, I have three people behind me, ready to fight for me should it become ugly.

"I would rather go with them than go back and help my father with his schemes."
he sighs and crosses his arms, turning up to address John.
"Whatever you did to the girl, I will not let you do any more of it. I can't take her, not against her will like you did"
he lifts his chin.
"but I will stay to protect her whether you like it or not, if you kill me so be it, I will return as a phantom to bind myself to her."

John scoffs behind me but Deliah mumbles something to him, which causes him to shut up.
"If I ask you to leave will you?"
I ask, face calm and level.
he answers, and I can tell he is being truthful. he is deeply concerned for me and I can see it on his face, I can't be angry at him, my father must have told him some story about being worried about me. it makes bile rise in my throat, I never knew he was this manipulative... well, now we know, the more I know the better.

"then fine. if you don't believe me that John and deliah are protecting me from the real threat go ahead and come along and see for yourself."
the brown haired man nods and straightens out his back.
"what's your name?"
John asks, stepping next to me, hand on my shoulder, he steadies me.
"alright Michael. pull anything and we will tie you up in a parcel, stuff your face with newspapers and send you back to the hole you came from"

I recognize the tone of his voice, he is seething with anger. before he can make any more threats Shannon hurries up to our group, breaking up the tension.
"guys, I have some bad news"

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now