between wolves

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I stare out of the window at the dark figures of wolves in the distance.
"my pole... where did it go?"
I look around the room for my makeshift weapon, I'd feel a lot better if I had it even if I am still clumsy with it. I watch Deliah and John join with Shannon and the others, I see a flash of white fur. I turn to his sister.

"what do we do?"
She waves me along.
"we go to the pups to protect them"
I follow her down a flight of stairs into a room. about six children are gathered there, me and the girl are probably the oldest here. she looks around the room, counts the kids, nonchalantly unlatches a hunting knife from her belt and hands it to me with the words
"I'm Nameera by the way, but just call me meera."

I fidget with the long blade, but I'm thankful to have a weapon in my hand. the howling upstairs becomes louder, I grasp the handle of the knife.
"They will bring the wounded down here for us to treat."
Meera points to the knife.
"if someone needs a tooth cut out of a wound I'll do it, but healing is also helping. if you can't fight you care for the wounded."

I sigh, maybe I should learn some of the basics. it could certainly make me useful to the others. I look around the room.
"where's the first aid kit?"
Meera opens a few drawers and looks around.
"weird, it's supposed to be here..."

I flash back to Shannon patching up my finger.
"It's upstairs in the bathroom. Shannon must have left it after she helped me with my finger."
I look at her, determination spreading through me.
"I'll go get it real quick, wait here!"

I run up the stairs and find myself hearing growling and howls in the area around the house. I reorient myself and storm into the bathroom, I scramble to gather up the supplies strewn on the countertop when someone steps into the doorframe behind me. I turn, expecting it to be John or shannon, but it's a man I don't recognize, with silver hair and black eyes that sneer down at me.
"look at that, another winged one... don't think you can fool me..."
he bares his sharp teeth at me.

Deliah whirls her sword around and slices at the wolf facing her, she can feel the gusts of wind of john fighting, he is keeping her back clear.
"Where is Alice?"
She throws a look back at him over her shoulder.
"Inside hopefully, bunkered away with the kids"

she looks back forward where her adversary has been engaged with the familliar large white wolf. she steps forward to fight by his side, swiping at the flanks of the grey lycanthrope. 
"I think we're outnumbered..."
she finally hits flesh, slicing a deep cut into the side of her opponent. the wolf makes no move to back up, instead seemingly ready to fight to the last bitter second. 

"something isn't right here..."
she takes a deep breath and points her sword. Alice's words echo in her head. "I like dogs too much", but she has to fight now. if for no other reason than to protect alice. blood stains her pale skin as she slices the neck of the grey werewolf, killing it instantly.

I tighten the grasp on the knife on my belt as he steps towards me.
"You're gonna make me a good chunk of money... your council wants you back, I can see why..."
I back away against the wall, in my head I try to remember what shannon said about reading my opponent. he continues towards me.

"pretty, pretty..."
He grabs my chin, he doesn't expect my knee to come up and hit him right in the groin. he doubles over and groans out in pain. I pull out the knife but can't bring myself to use the blade, instead I bring down the hilt on the base of his head hard. he hits the ground, unconscious.

I step over him quickly and grab the first aid kit. I meet shannon in the hallway who hugs me.
"Alice! I saw the guy go inside and I was worried you might get hurt!"
I wriggle out of her grasp.
"I knocked him out with the knife... like with the handle. how is it looking outside?"

she smiles and ruffles my hair around.
"got a little bit of bite after all, yes? I'll tie him up and lock him away for questioning later."
she hurries into the bathroom and I rush back down the hall. I'm about to go back down the stairs when I spot my pole leaning against the wall outside. In a split second decision I dart for the glass door out onto the training deck and grab the pole. I turn to find myself face to face with a bundle of teeth and fur, smaller than Naz but this time with intent to kill.

he flies towards me but I practiced this for hours. I jab the staff between the jaws and twist it. the wolf howls, I must have cost it a few teeth. without any more hesitation I bat it in the side, flinging it away from me.
I look down at my hands, but I don't really have much time to process my sudden willingness to fight. I spot Nazim, white fur stained red around the mouth. I wave to him, he trots over to my side and nudges me towards the fighting.

"are you sure?"
He gives me a reassuring look.
"alright, but stay behind me please..."
he nods and trots along as I run onto the open battlefield. I don't look back, not that I have much of a choice, I'm immediately batting and fighting for my life against various assailants, a huge white wolf at my heels at all times, keeping my back.

Shannon watches from the window, proudly crossing her arms at the sight of the wolf and girl he has become protective of fighting side by side. she knows Alice is safe with Nazim, she turns into her wolf form and turns to help Meera with the abandoned first aid kit.

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