On the run

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"Sir, we found a trace of her a few miles south of here, she must have stayed at a motel"
the dark haired man kneels in front of his master, a tall, narrow man in a perfectly tailored grey suit, all the grey has vanished from his hair, his face is free of wrinkles and all signs of age. his four magnificent wings are laying tight to his back. 
"good work Michael, you may rise."
the other angel stands, he is taller than his superior but he's wearing a simple set of jeans and a clean cut button down shirt, his chocolate brown hair is tied into a small pony tail, his wings are smaller, there is only a single pair of them and they aren't the perfect, white, gold speckled things the other has.

"Now, you have proven to be quite competent. but can I trust you to find the girl?"
The arch angel walks around his inferior, giving him a stern look
"She may be the chosen one but she is still my daughter after all..."
Michael nods 
"of course sir"

the archangel smiles and pats his shoulder, before leaving the room to face the reporters that have been parked in the drive for hours now. Michael looks very uncomfortable as he is left alone in the destroyed office, in the midst of wooden splinters, torn up books and loose pages he is surrounded by the destruction the arch angel's rage causes. 

with a sigh he walks out and hides his wings, the holes punched into his shirt mending as he steps into the girl's bedroom. it is equally destroyed to the office, the window is broken, he can see the reporters pouring around the older gentleman in the perfectly tailored, undoubtedly expensive suit.
"I hate my job"

I sit in the backmost booth of the burger joint chewing on my fries as I wait for John to come back. he bought me food and told me to wait here while he does... god knows what. I didn't think he would just leave me alone... I could run away if I wanted, but... well, I'm still here, three milkshakes in. I am incredibly bored, he has my phone, or maybe he got rid of it, who knows, I wouldn't blame him. if only I had a book...

Finally the door opens and he comes back to sit with me.
"There you are. did anything interesting while I was here, bored?"
he sighs
"do you ever stop complaining?"
I stand up and start towards the door.
"Are you kidding? I was bored out of my mind!"
He follows me to the car without another word and sits down on the driver seat.
"Well, you won't be bored when your father's men or the police catch up to us"

I get into the other side and buckle myself up.
"the only reason why I'm still here is because that's slightly worse than being in some random man's car on the road to god knows where"

"I know, just sit tight, we need to make it to my family's estate, we are safest there for now"
I make a mental note of this, any information is good information.
"Alright. so make a wild guess how long it will be until we get there"
"doesn't matter when we get there, what matters is not being followed"
I groan, I just wish he spoke in a sentence that is slightly longer than just the bare minimum. I turn on the radio and continue flipping through until I happen upon a rock station. John looks at me, lips slightly curling into a smile.

"at least your music taste is decent"
I grin and wrap my arms around myself.
"you like rock music?"
He turns the volume up and drives a little faster on the empty highway. I start to sing along with the woman on the radio as we ride down the highway, and I feel happy. then the song ends and the news come on.
"The daughter of billionaire investor Harold Goodman is still missing, the perpetrator is confirmed to be one John Bernstien..."
John quickly turns off the radio.

I lean back in my seat and press my hands to my chest.
"If I tell them that I'm here of my own free will..."
"That won't work"
He speeds up more and turns a corner into a smaller side road towards a wooded area. For a moment my heart sinks, is he going to get rid of me? but then I remember what he said... the book is worth nothing without me... was he lying?
"So what will we do now?"
He stops the car and orients himself.
"Alright, forget about the car for now, we need to hide out somewhere until the police and your father lose our scent..."

I try to open the door but he stops me.
"In order for you to understand what I am about to show you... you will have to understand a core piece of information."
I furrow my brows and look confused, what is he talking about?
"Ok... go on?"
He looks at me, his amber eyes shimmering in the setting sun.
"Alice, you might not believe me now, but... your father is an arch angel. and so are you."
I am about to spit back something sarcastic when he stops me and motions for me to get out of the car. I follow him, I can hear the sound of wings rushing in my ears again as he gets out as well. he takes off the suit jacket and hands it to me. I clutch onto it.
"I figured you won't believe me so I will give you a sort of... demonstration as proof."

I watch in awe as with a bright flash of light and the sound of tearing fabric two pairs of magnificent black-blue wings appear on his back. they span above me and block out the sun. they are beautiful.
"I... "
He turns around, his bare chest is marked with a thousand scars, I have to restrain myself from touching them.
"I know it's difficult to process for now, all you need to know is that I am a fallen angel, which is why my wings are black. now, get your things, we need to get going."

I silently grab my backpack from the trunk, my thoughts are whirring around me. I am an angel too? how come I don't have wings then? did my father not want me to know? why? what did he need from me? was my mother an angel? I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. that's the first time he has touched me since I woke up in the motel...
"I know it's hard to believe..."
I turn towards him, the wings are gone, now he just looks like a very good looking, muscular man, though the scars remain.

"Yeah... it's really weird..."
He hands me a feather, it shimmers like a sapphire. I twist it in my fingers...
"You'll get used to it..."
"I know..."
I smile and tuck the feather into my pocket.
"Hey, I have something for you... to pass the time"
He pulls a book out of the bag he is holding, I see a slight hint of the one I stole from my father in the bag as well, but he hands me the other one.
"No high literature but you complained about boredom..."

I run my fingers over the title.
"The Vampire Queen..."
I chuckle.
"sounds fun. thank you, John."
I use the feather as a bookmark, gently tuck it between the pages. he then waves me along towards the trees. a bit of the tension between us has lifted, I follow him without any hesitation.

Dark flight - Lore of the angelic book 1Where stories live. Discover now