Just A Taste

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AN: not edited

"Yes Nelle, I'm packing now and will be all set for us to leave tomorrow. Mhmm. Love you too. See ya."

Robin hangs up the phone as she stares at her two suitcases. Mentally going over her checklist while Let It Whip by Dazz playing in the background.

She and the girls are going on vacation to Maldives and she's so excited. Getting older, maintaining friendships can be hard. Especially with everyone living in different parts of the world but Ro loves her girls. Time together is exactly what they need especially her and Bron

Bron is her baby and she hates that they had a falling out. Hopefully time together will get them back to a great place.

She can't fault Bron for loving Dino

Shit. Who doesn't?

Robin moves her hips to the music while Rain tries ripping her clothes out of her suitcase.

"Little boy.."

Rain looks at his mom with his toothless smile while trying to eat a dress. Robin tickles the little one as picks him up. She brushes their noses together and Rain tries to eat her face.

Drool gets in her nostril, making her choke just a little but Rain just giggles.

"I love you, Baby Bear"

Dino watches from the doorway with a smile on his face. How could he ever not have this? He couldn't. Seeing the two people who make him whole is definitely giving him a new perspective on making sure his wife stays happy.

Her happiness is his happiness. Especially since he knows things are vice versa. Robin has never been selfish in their relationship...

He has to take care of her

Stepping into the room, Dino wraps his arms around the two. Rain looks up at his daddy before holding onto Robin tighter.

"No. She was mine first" Dino chuckles. Rain buries his face in Robin's chest and pouts.

"It's like that? Ok" Dino kisses Robin's cheek and Rain's head.

"You still need to go shopping?"

Robin breaks out of her trance before nodding in Dino's direction. Dino nods to himself and then sends out a text

"I'll take you. Spoil my lady today."

"You spoil me everyday"

Dino takes Rain from Robin and gently places him on the bed. He then pulls Robin's body into his and squeezes her ass. Lowering his head, Dino connects their lips in a long kiss making Robin moan. She digs her fingers in his hair trying to damn near climb his body. He always makes her hot and wet, she can't help herself.

Knowing this is just the teaser, Dino pulls back and slaps Robin's ass. She jolts in surprise before groaning and rubbing the sore area.

"Get ready. We leave in 20 minutes"

"Yes Big Papa"

Dino chuckles and waves his finger at his wife as he walks out the room. Robin grabs Rain to take him to his grandparents.

Twenty minutes later, Robin and Dino are in the car to Rodeo Drive. They walk into one of her favorite swimwear shops

"Ah" the clerk screams once they enter

"Hey Samantha"

Samantha hugs Robin

"It must be vacation time. You already know what to do but let me know if you have any questions"

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