Knowing You

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Robin shifts on her feet before turning around to look at Shanelle.

They share a silent conversation of whether Robin should even entertain the idea before Nelle scoots closer to the door.

"I'll stay. I got -"

Nelle phone buzzes obnoxiously in her hand causing her to pause. She scrolls then rolls her eyes before scooting back

"Your brother just had to- ugh"

"What?" Robin asks confused.

"Cordonia shit that apparently we BOTH need to handle. I can't stay BUT I'm leaving a guard and I'm calling Kayden. You."

Shanelle points to Edward

"If she tells me that you fucked everything up, I will lock in the dungeon and torture you until you beg me to kill you. Got it?"

Edward mouth hangs open in shock before he nods in agreement.


Robin walks over to Nelle and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"You sure? I can't be your buffer and if you-"

"Nelle, it's fine. Pregnant or not, you know I can handle myself."

"Handling yourself isn't what I'm worried about."

Robin gives her a look and she backs away. Robin is becoming just a tiny bit irritated that others think she'll succumb to Edward's charm.

She gets it. God kissed that man himself before placing him in his mama womb BUT the man has been creepy this entire time.

What is she falling far?

"Ok. Butcher is staying and I'm going. Love you"

"Love you too."

The car door closes and Nelle is off. Robin turns around to see the bodyguard and Edward looking at her.

"Well, where are we going?"

Edward smiles and shakes his head. One because Nelle's comment actually caught him off guard and two because Robin is actually giving him a chance.

He looks at her in awe. The way those golden eyes were looking up at him in waiting. The slight pout to her face. He notes that her feet might be hurting a little. She's small despite the pregnant belly and her beauty...

He understands why she has multiple Model of the Year awards.

Just pretty as hell

"First, are you craving anything? I know we just ate but is there anything I can get for you?"

"A Candy Apple!" Robin says excitedly. She actually wasn't expecting to sound that excited but man did she want one bad.

Edward thinks for a moment

"I'm not sure where to get candy apples but maybe we can make candy apple flavored ice cream. There's a shop around the corner?"

Robin shrugs and Edward is relived. Last thing he wants is a cranky, pregnant woman on his hands.

He leads the way, not walking too fast for Robin's possibly achy feet. He would offer to carry her BUT he understands he needs to tone shit down.

He's been on ten since he saw her but he couldn't help it

Looking at Robin is looking at a dream come true.

"So tell me all that is Eddie Mo."

"Edward Mortemer is or was a just sweet, little boy born and raised in Mississippi."

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