Night of Demons

144 10 63

January 14, 2022

Dino stirs from the sensation on his cheek. Smiling to himself, he turns over and pulls Robin's body closer to his.

She peppers light kisses on his cheek and jaw line. He can still tell she's half sleep because right after the kisses, he hears light snoring.

He doesn't open his eyes. He just loves the feel of this moment and wants to prolong it before they're both hauled off to their group of friends.

2 days

He's marrying his baby girl in two days and the warm in his chest he gets every she's around, he can't ask for more

Reaching down to gently rub her stomach, he wallows in the sleepy kisses happily

"I was gonna clean my room, until I got high
I was gonna get up and find the broom but then I got high"

Dino and Robin groan in response to his best friend's ringtone

Opening one eye, Dino squints and yawns before reaching for his phone on the nightstand.

The bright screen display clock states 7 am and a banner that says PIA (Pain in the ass)

Dino answers the FaceTime call, angling the phone so Robin's naked body isn't seen.

It connects and he's greeted with Luci's nose in the camera

"Why am I looking at a cave of boogers?"

Luci backs up and smiles

"It's about to time you answered"

"You called this early because..."

"I'm outside your house. Open up"

"The fuck you-"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dino hears the front door and Robin tries to roll out of his arms. He pulls her back and kisses her forehead

"Fine. I'm coming."

Dino hangs up and pulls Robin to his chest. The peppers her face with kisses until she giggles and pushes him away.

He starts kissing down her neck and chest about to take a nipple in his mouth but she presses her palm to his forehead to stop him

"Why not?"

"Because he's gonna keep banging on the door, killing the mood"

"I don't give a-"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Robin gives him an "I told you" look and he grumbles.

Reluctantly, Dino gets out of bed. Putting on some sweats and brushing his teeth, he sets downstairs to see his squad waiting for him at the door.

They all push through and head straight for the kitchen.

"You have food? We didn't eat," Diego says as he looks through the fridge. Ellia, Luci and Richard sit at the counter while Dalton looks through the cabinets.

Dino leans back on the counter and wipes his face, still trying to get the sleep out of his eyes.

"You didn't think to grab breakfast before you came?"

"Well Robin usually cooks.."

"You want dinner for breakfast?"

They all nod and Dino gestures for them to have at it. Dino always makes breakfast since he was up first and Robin always makes dinner. They always make more than enough because they know SOMEONE will come to raid their kitchen

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