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Subject: Application No. 11042154 / Application Verdict 

Date: 21-12-2177 CE

Agent Briggs,

In my capacity as Councilor, it is with great deliberation that I have decided to deny Jane Shepard's application to the ICA Program. While Jane Shepard undeniably possesses exceptional combat and Biotic skills, along with a commendable record of service, there are certain considerations that have led me to this conclusion.

Specifically, I have reservations about Shepard's propensity for independent decision-making, uncontrolled biotic flare-ups, and her history of engaging in high-risk missions.

Furthermore, there exists a need for strict adherence to established protocols within the ICA, and I have concerns that Shepard's approach may not align with these requirements. It is essential to recognize that this decision has been reached after careful evaluation of the Alliance's specific criteria for our potential N-candidates and the skills deemed necessary for success in such a rigorous program.

I have taken it upon myself to email Jane Shepard personally with the outcome that we are going to make official.



Cc: AdmStevenHackett@Mil.Extranet 

Date: 21-12-2177 at 21:46 SET 

Subject: Thank you for your application to Interplanetary Combatives Academy 

Dear Jane Shepard,

We regret to inform you that your application to the Interplanetary Combatives Academy Program has been denied.

After careful consideration, the decision has been made not to advance your candidacy at this time. Please be aware that this decision is final and not subject to further appeal. We thank you for your continued service to the Systems Alliance Navy and encourage you to explore other opportunities for career advancement within our organization.


Donnel Udina

Councilor and Alliance Diplomatic Corps Representative

Systems Alliance 

Date: 21-12-2177 


From: AdmStevenHackett@Mil.Extranet 


Date: 22-12-2177 

Subject: Application No. 11042154 / Application Verdict Addendum

Special Agent Briggs, 

After reviewing Councilor Udina's report and carefully considering Jane Shepard's record, I must respectfully disagree with the initial decision to deny her application to the ICA.

While I understand the concerns raised about her independent nature and history of high-risk missions, it is precisely these qualities that set Commander Shepard apart as a leader.

Her ability to make difficult decisions under extreme pressure and to inspire those around her are invaluable assets to the Alliance. Moreover, Shepard's loyalty and dedication to our cause have been demonstrated time and again through her unwavering commitment to defending human colonies and standing against formidable adversaries.

I believe that these qualities, rather than being viewed as liabilities, are what make Jane Shepard the ideal candidate for the ICA with a view to reach N7. Her unique combination of combat skills, strategic thinking, and unwavering determination make her an asset that the Alliance cannot afford to overlook.

Therefore, I am overriding the previous decision and authorizing Jane Shepard's entry into the ICA effective immediately. She has proven herself as a remarkable leader, and I have no doubt that she will continue to excel in this new endeavor.


Steven Hackett

Fleet Admiral

Systems Alliance

Arcturus Station 


From: AdmStevenHackett@Mil.Extranet 

Date: 25-12-2177 

Subject: Thank you for your application to Interplanetary Combatives Academy 

To: JaneShepard2154@Mil.Extranet 


Dear Jane Shepard, 

We are pleased to inform you that your application to the Interplanetary Combatives Academy has been overturned and authorized. Please disregard the previous communication regarding your application.

After reviewing your record of exceptional service and outstanding performance, we believe that you are the best candidate for this prestigious program.

Your demonstrated leadership, unwavering dedication, and unparalleled combat skills make you an invaluable asset to the Systems Alliance.

We are confident that you will excel in the Interplanetary Combatives Academy Program and continue to be a shining example of the Alliance's finest. Congratulations on this well-deserved opportunity. We look forward to witnessing your continued success and contributions to the Alliance.


Steven Hackett 

Fleet Admiral 

Systems Alliance 

Arcturus Station


From: AdmStevenHackett@Mil.Extranet 

To: JdgAdvAKahoku@Mil.Extranet 

CC: JBriggs0890@Gov.Ex

Date: 26-12-2177 

Subject: Internal Investigation Recommended

Dear Judge Advocate General Anna Kahoku,

In reviewing Councilor Udina's surprising decision to deny Jane Shepard's application, I am left with concerns over potential political motives underlying this choice. To ensure the integrity of the Alliance's processes, I recommend a discreet internal investigation into Councilor Udina's activities surrounding this matter. It is imperative that we maintain transparency and uphold the highest standards of fairness and accountability within our organization.


Steven Hackett

Fleet Admiral

Systems Alliance


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