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Subject: Application No. 11042154 / Genesis Synopsis

Date: May 8, 2177

Admiral Hackett,

This report presents a summary investigation into the background of Jane Shepard. The research aims to establish a more accurate understanding of Jane Shepard's birthplace and the circumstances surrounding her upbringing. The findings reveal intricate details that could impact the outcome of her application to the ICA.

Birthplace Controversy: Due to a lack of an official birth certificate and subsequent cross-referencing of Mindoir's historical data, there are suspicions that Jane Shepard might have been born on Earth, potentially in Gilman Hot Springs, San Jacinto, California, United States, about 85 miles from Los Angeles. This location is where her parents are believed to have met. Officially, Jane Shepard was born on April 11, 2154 CE, on the Mindoir colony located in the Attican Traverse. Mindoir is the name of both the system's star and the habitable world.

Gilman Hot Springs Connection: Gilman Hot Springs, known for housing the former headquarters for [REDACTED], adds a complex layer to Jane Shepard's origins. [REDACTED], a multifaceted entity involving corporate structures and organizations devoted to the practice and dissemination of its teachings, existed variously as a cult, a business, or a new religious movement during the early 2000s CE. Its decline followed the revelation of Prothean artifacts on Mars in 2148 CE, leading to the worldwide reassessment and restructuring of religions.

Jane Shepard's Parents and Their Cult: Jane Shepard's parents emerged as leaders of a religious cult that established a settlement on the outskirts of Mindoir. The core principles of this cult can be traced back to the aforementioned [REDACTED]. The cult's secrecy and strict rules on premarital relations raise suspicions about Jane Shepard's true location, date, and time of birth. It is plausible that Jane Shepard was concealed on Mindoir as a baby until an official marriage arrangement on Mindoir before being acknowledged.

Goals and Strategies: Jane Shepard's parents had dual objectives. The first was to establish a new cult/religion known as "The Divine Vanguards," with a mandate to create powerful Human Biotic Warriors through exposure to Element Zero a.k.a "Eezo". The cult aimed to achieve recognition either through adopted doctrines or coercive means. The secondary objective involved the clandestine acquisition of resources and eventual dominance over the Primary colony controlled by Governor Regis and a small team of security operatives.

Challenges and Failures: The cult's limited resources and technical expertise posed challenges to achieving its objectives. Years were spent recruiting dedicated donors from the Primary colony who were sympathetic to the cause. However, toxic levels of Eezo exposure and substandard subdermal implantation led to many severe injuries and even fatalities. These losses were perceived as divine sacrifices in pursuit of the cult's objectives and did nothing to slow down the cult's pace of experimentation.

Anonymous Investor and Cult's Downfall: The involvement of an anonymous investor or investors significantly altered the cult's trajectory, ultimately leading to its demise. The revelations from the investigation suggest that this investor's actions precipitated the fall of the cult, culminating in the destruction of both the cult and the entire Mindoir colony.

Conclusion: The following chapters, detailing a comprehensive background investigation, illuminate Jane Shepard's complex origins and early life, revealing a history intertwined with a controversial religious cult and its clandestine objectives.

Further analysis and evaluation are recommended to determine the extent of the impact on her suitability for the ICA.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Special Agent Jonathan Briggs


Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro

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