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From: Jbriggs@sawcc.gov 

Subject: Application No. 11042154 / Mindoir Survivor Report

Date: October 1, 2177 CE

Admiral Hackett,

I submit a report outlining crucial details regarding Jane Shepard's survival on Mindoir, specifically, what effect this could have on her emotional state. In the aftermath of the devastating events on Mindoir, amidst the extensive cleanup and recovery efforts conducted by the Alliance, a remarkable tale emerged. 16-year-old Jane Shepard, thought to be the lone survivor of the cult and colony, not including any unaccounted for colonists taken by the Batarians on their eventual retreat.

A specialized ASAR team, proficient in recovery operations, delved into the wreckage that scans had shown a large quantity of bodies, suspecting a mass burial site. Their determination led to the astonishing discovery of a solitary, emaciated 16-year-old girl, encased within a weak Biotic dark energy field.

Tragically, just beyond the protective boundaries of her Biotic field lay the mortal remains of two deceased Humans. One male and one female, later revealed to be Jane Shepard's parents, the leaders of the cult and its facility.

Dr. Sara Jean Hammond, L.C.P.C., was kind enough to supply us with a likely narrative of what Jane Shepard went through during the days between the raid and her rescue. The details Dr. Hammond presents is an abridged version following a psychological assessment, the majority of which will be featured in this application.

Dr. Sara Jean Hammond's excerpt - "Fractured Shield":

The air on Mindoir was thick with ash and despair. The once vibrant settlement now lay in ruins, a haunting echo of the life it once held. Amongst the wreckage, a small family fought for their survival. Jane's heart raced as she summoned the last reserves of her Biotic strength. The collapsed building pressed against the shimmering dome of energy that surrounded them, a fragile barrier between life and crushing oblivion. She held her mother's trembling hand, their eyes locked in silent desperation. Time blurred into a ceaseless haze. Each passing second was an eternity, every heartbeat an echo of impending doom. Shepard's once steady breaths grew labored, her muscles quivering with the strain of maintaining the protective shield.

The world beyond the dome was a cacophony of distant cries and the relentless grind of metal against stone. As the hours stretched into days, Shepard's strength waned. The protective perimeter of the shield shrank, leaving only a shrinking pocket of safety. She could do nothing but watch in mute horror as sections of her parents' bodies were slowly crushed, their pain etched into their faces. It was a cruel, unforgiving dance with destiny. In those agonizing moments, Shepard felt the weight of her own limitations press upon her soul. She was supposed to be a Prophet, someone special, a protector, but here, in this cruel twist of fate, she was powerless.

The bitter taste of helplessness gnawed at her, a bitter pill she was forced to swallow. When the rescue finally came, it was too late. The building, once their home, held only the echoes of a family that had fought so valiantly for survival. Shepard emerged, her body battered and her spirit shattered. She was a survivor, but at what cost? In the wake of that harrowing day, Shepard carried a burden that no amount of training could prepare her for. The guilt of not being strong enough, the haunting images of her parents' final moments, they etched themselves into the very core of her being. She was special, but the scars ran deep, hidden beneath the mask of strength or armor she wore so fiercely. Mindoir had forged her, tempered her, but it left behind wounds that would never fully heal. It was a chapter etched in pain, a reminder of the fragility of life and the unforgiving nature of the universe. And Shepard, with every step she took into the vast expanse of the galaxy, carried the weight of that fractured shield within her, a silent testament to the strength it took to endure.


The saga of Jane Shepard, the solitary survivor of the Mindoir cult, delineates a saga of tenacity, sacrifice, and the profound ramifications of Biotic capabilities. Her ability to shield her parents for a long duration, only to witness their tragic fate, underscores the psychological and emotional trauma she endured. This report is presented to provide insight into the lesser-known facets of the Mindoir tragedy and the indomitable spirit displayed by one individual in the crucible of adversity.

Report compiled by

Special Agent Jonathan Briggs


Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro

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