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Subject: Application No. 11042154 / Intro 

Date: 2-5-2177 

Admiral Hackett, I trust this report finds you well. As per your request, I have compiled a comprehensive report by collaborating with relevant departments with (SASWCC) detailing Jane Shepard's application to the esteemed Interplanetary Combatives Academy Program (ICA). 

Boilerplate - Attention to all Committee Members; The purpose of this communication is to present a comprehensive report regarding the biographical investigation and qualitative research conducted by Special Agent Joanne Briggs of the Systems Alliance Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen department (SASWCC). 

Basic Information: 

Name: Jane Shepard 

Service No. 5923-AC-2826 

Date of Birth: April 11, 2154(Birth Certificate Disputed) 

Height: 5'9" 

Weight: 155 lbs 

Race: European descent, white-skinned 

Hair: Red 

Eyes: Green 

Body Type: Athletic build 

Soldier Type: Vanguard class with exceptional Biotic ability, bespoke implants complimented with L3 amps. 

Alliance Navy Physical Readiness Test(PRT) 

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Alliance Navy Physical Readiness Test(PRT) 

Results: Performance Grade Points: Maximum 

Forearm Planks: 3:30 

Push-up's: 84 

1.5 Mile Run: 8:55 

Row: 7:10

Classified Information: 

All applications to the ICA are classified by order of Ambassador to the Citadel Council, Donnell Udina. They are marked as confidential and shall remain so until the designated date of declassification, scheduled for January 20, 2785.

Please review this report carefully in preparation for the Interplanetary Combatives Academy Consideration Committee (ICACC)'s future discussions regarding Jane Shepard's eligibility.

Sources: The comprehensive vetting process required for ICA candidates necessitates a meticulous approach to source gathering, ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of the information presented.

Mission Orders and Operational Plans: Obtained from classified military archives, these provide insight into the candidates' tactical acumen, Biotic ability (if manifested), and mission planning capabilities.

Intelligence Briefings: Extracted from confidential sources, these shed light on the candidate's proficiency in interpreting and implementing strategic intelligence.

Medical Assessments and After-Action Reports: Sourced from military medical institutions, offering a factual account of the candidate's physical prowess and resilience in demanding combat situations.

Personal Logs: Attained through authorized channels, these provide a candid glimpse into the candidate's personal reflections, emotions, and growth as a leader, specifically in Jane Shepard's case, before, during, and after the Mindoir raid and the slaver attack on Elysium.

Debriefing Interviews: Conducted by experienced officers, these interviews reveal the candidate's mental fortitude, adaptability, and leadership style through unscripted narratives.

Jane Shepard's Personal Account: Acquired through a detailed interview, capturing the unfiltered recollection of events leading up to and during significant events.

Eyewitness Accounts: Gathered from fellow team members, these corroborate and enhance the accuracy of Jane Shepard's first-hand testimony.


The utilization of these diverse sources has been instrumental in creating a robust and well-rounded narrative of Jane Shepard's suitability for the Interplanetary Combatives Academy Program.

I remain at your disposal for any further inquiries or directions.


Special Agent Jonathan Briggs


Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro

Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro

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