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Certification of Volunteer Service Date: 19-12-2177 CE 

I, Jane Shepard, hereby affirm that I have willingly volunteered for duty with the Systems Alliance Special Forces. I am fully cognizant of the demanding nature of Special Forces operations, which may necessitate immediate deployment deep within enemy territory. My responsibilities will include organizing, training, and collaborating with guerrilla forces, as well as undertaking various missions as directed by the Alliance. I understand that, as a member of the team, it is imperative that I maintain peak mental and physical fitness at all times and carry out my assigned tasks with full dedication. I pledge to conduct myself in a manner that upholds the honor of my team, my service, and the Alliance as a whole. I am fully aware that the success of our missions may hinge on our ability to achieve our objectives despite overwhelming odds.

I acknowledge that I will be required to undergo training that is more rigorous and demanding than what is typically expected of a standard member of the Systems Alliance Navy. I accept that specialized language and skills training, including attendance at Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro, will be essential for my personal and professional development. I commit to wholeheartedly engaging in these assignments and extracting the maximum benefit from them. I comprehend that any failure to make satisfactory progress in training, the display of poor judgment, immature behavior, or engaging in misconduct that may tarnish my reputation or that of the Special Forces N-School will result in my immediate reassignment and a permanent bar from future duty with the Special Forces.

It is my unequivocal intention to remain a part of the Special Forces N-School program for a minimum of six years. I have voluntarily endorsed the provisions laid out in this document and understand that it will be incorporated into my permanent records.

Jane Shepard

Witnessed by:

David E. Anderson 

(Operational Leader)

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