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From: Jbriggs@sawcc.gov 

Subject: Application No. 11042154 / Operation Blank Slate

Date: September 30, 2177 CE

Admiral Hackett,

I submit a report detailing the timeline between Jane Shepard's memories and the distress signal received by the Alliance. The investors initially received regular project updates via QEC. However, towards the end of November 2170 CE, these reports became increasingly erratic, bordering on the religious. They fixated on the necessity of safeguarding the Monolith, neglecting the primary objective of developing Biotic soldiers.

The investors suspected a form of indoctrination or collective hysteria as the cause. Regardless, they recognized the project's imminent failure and sensed a loss of control. Orders were issued for a comprehensive transfer of all pertinent project data and for designated agents to initiate an immediate "bug out" operation, bypassing the investors' next phase to sanitize the colony.

This incident cast a foreboding shadow over the tightly guarded project, prompting the grim realization that an impending catastrophe could expose the Investors' covert involvement, resulting in the loss of billions of credits and valuable research crucial to their cause.

Beneath the complex web of cryptic exchanges between the cult and the investors, a concealed scheme unfolded, meticulously orchestrated to wipe clean the record of internal turmoil in the colony.

Covert manipulation efforts formed a cloak of obscurity, shielding the conflict from the prying eyes of the Systems Alliance, deflecting unwanted scrutiny. Against this tumultuous backdrop, the investors responded cryptically, transmitting coordinates for the expeditious retreat. This final act in the covert tapestry signaled an exit strategy for Pel, Claude, Jane Shepard (willingly or otherwise), and Dr. Archer. An act of disappearance was in progress. Subsequent reports, concealed behind classification, shed light on the concluding chapter.

A veil of secrecy surrounds the events that followed—a search and rescue team retrieving a body matching Dr. Archer's reported features. Disputes arise, suggesting this body might be a volunteer from the cult, aiding Dr. Archer's escape while the Alliance presumed his demise. Another disconcerting absence persists—the elusive security operative "Pel," remains unaccounted for, along with "Claude Menneau."

The final act of cleansing of Mindoir required the intervention of an unrelenting force. Intel suggests that the investors, acting as puppeteers in the shadows, disseminated disinformation targeting the war-hungry enemy of Humans, the Batarians. This calculated move aimed to ensure a forceful Batarian response, effectively facilitating their clandestine "Blank Slate" initiative.

The arrival of Batarian slavers was akin to an unrelenting tempest, driven by the false belief that the Systems Alliance were using Mindoir as a front, hiding its true nature as a heavily armed Military outpost, imminently poised to strike their homeworld of Khar'shan. The invaders, displaying strategic prowess, initiated a calculated assault involving heavy artillery strikes. Mindoir's once-thriving settlement lay in ruins, particularly the heart of the cult's facility, which suffered extensive damage.

The colonists faced unspeakable horrors at the hands of the Batarian slavers. Lives were abruptly extinguished, while survivors endured a grim fate, subjected to a nightmarish cranial implant that served as a tool of ruthless control. This twisted narrative, purportedly orchestrated by the investors, spurred the Batarian forces into action with unforgiving ferocity.

During the bombardment, a distress beacon was sent from Mindoir. It's unclear who sent the distress call, but it's believed it was done by Doctor Archer as his last action just prior to his escape off planet and back into the Investors' sanctuary. On receiving the distress call, the Systems Alliance swiftly mobilized, embodying a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

Despite their unwavering determination, the Alliance forces encountered formidable resistance from the well-prepared Batarian defenses, forged in the crucible of animosity. Devoted servicemen, bound by duty, found themselves entrenched in the heart of the maelstrom. Their anguished vigil bore witness to the suffering of colonists, a helpless testimony to the brutality unfolding before them.

The slavers executed a systematic purge of the colony, leaving infrastructure in ruins and the spirit of a planet battered into submission. The Mindoir operation unveils a chilling narrative of orchestrated chaos, masterminded by the investors to fulfill their enigmatic "Blank Slate" initiative.

The tragic toll exacted on Mindoir serves as a stark reminder of the human cost entangled within the web of clandestine agendas. The bravery of Alliance personnel in the face of overwhelming odds stands as a testament to their unwavering commitment to duty and the preservation of life.

Report compiled by

Special Agent Jonathan Briggs


Vila Militar in Rio de Janeiro

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