Tina as cell & Jaiden as Baghera ( au )

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Tina smiled as she hopped out of bed..  well it wasn't really a bed but she made the most of it…. Tina then turned around and looked at Jaiden with a wide smile as she grabbed her hand and ran up to a pedestal which held their armor and some other.. necessities but Tina looked at Jaiden as she spoke her voice raspy from screaming and her lips bloody from her biting on them for days..

T )-” Jaiden!! It's finally time for us to visit them!”

Tina said with a smile as her and Jaiden got the armor on..  Tina for an instant looked more.. well demonic since her horns were visible as day and her tail as sharp as knives no sharper but Jaiden was used to it and she knew Tina wouldn't hurt her…. Jaiden finally smiled back as she put the mask around her waist belt and looking at Tina for a sec she realized the armor was different cus Tina's had a blue mask with fire slightly coming out of it as Jaiden had a red mask, it glowing bright..  Jaiden then spoke her voice a bit better than Tina's as Jaiden and Tina were screaming on top of their lungs as they didn't know what the fuck was happening at first but now the eye wanted them to punish the sinners that wanted to return to this hell they call ‘egg island..’

J )-” Tina I'm so ready..  but do you remember the plan? “

Tina nodded smiling happily as she stepped closer a dark blue scythe on her back

T )-” Yes yes!! You find them and I deal them!! But if it's ok could we maybe talk to them if they don't run? “

Tina asked as her tail curled a bit as she woke her question..  Jaiden giggled a bit before her wings fluttered happily as she was happy Tina was at least with her and knew how to handle herself

J )-” Tina wonderful idea that sounds fun..  would you wanna visit a certain cat lady first? “

Jaiden asked as she looked at the other waiting for the answer..  Tina thought for a second before nodding excitedly her tail wagging dangerously fast

T )-” Fuck yes I think visiting Bagi would be wonderful I would like to have some.. words “

She said as she looked a bit pissed off but smiled as she looked and seeing Jaiden all set she grabbed her hand and warped out into the land the new residents have to survive on..

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Looks ( Tina ):  Tina's clothes are cut up and their is still blood on them but the eye gave Tina and Jaiden new clothes Tina's being a black cropped long sleeve with long shorts to match..  Tina's horns have grown a lot. They are still pure white but black like on the top of them and her tail razor sharp and it being pure white and having blood on it since neither she nor Jaiden could clean it…. Tinas hair was long and in a braid..  and her and Jaiden have matching bracelets since necklaces are too easily broken..  Tina has a lot of scars on her from herself, Jaiden , and just everything that happened..

Looks ( Jaiden ): Same as Tina Jaiden got new clothes then being long sleeved with black shorts since Jaiden didn't feel like sweating so much…. Jaiden had her hair in a ponytail, it being a dark shade of blue since she hadn't colored her hair in so long…. Jaiden had her wings clipped to not escape and the wings are blue as well and more cleaned since Tina helped preen them..  Jaiden has a matching bracelet with Tina since it passed the time and she really began to think of Tina as a close friend…. Jaiden had a deep scar on her arm from a fight with bad but no scars from Tina since it had been Jaiden to had to teach her how to be a demon.. even if she wasn't one herself..

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