Pt 14- Richarlyson & Bobby

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'*Richarlyson was walking in the forest just thinking about his parents and how he hasn't seen them feels like forever*

*He keeps walking getting to a lake and sitting down.. hissing a bit from the pain of what Trump did*

*Richas sighed a bit as he grabs his ax from his bad kinda running it on his leg making a few fresh cuts as he does so not caring but happy the ax is sharp*

*it was a bit later almost dark and richarlyson made his mind up...if he left would his dad's notice...the answer is no they wouldn't notice because their never around anymore and richarlyson just wanted to see his big brother Bobby he's missed him so much lately and just wanted to be with him, Richas set his stuff down and smiles writing one last note before grabbing his ax and cutting his thoat him falling limp into the water blood everywhere but him smiling limp and cold as a few seconds later a message popped in chat saying*

'"Richarlyson was slain by Richarlyson"'

*The note said*

*to whoever finds this note I want you to give this to all my dad's and make them read it together.
*Dad's it's not it fault I'm no longer hear its my own my own selfish mind wanting to see my big brother again and wanting to see my no longer here siblings so as I say this with all trustfully it's not ur guy's fault I did this not you guys but I want you all to know I love you but if you ever get a child spend time with them or this might happen again...and this part is for cellbit, ily papa keep roeir and dapper safe please, I'm proud of ur hard work keeping me and Roier alive at least Roier but i want you to know you cant overworke yourself at least dont please....."*

"*My greatest wishes good luck and I love you guys"*

*Signed by Richas*
     *To all papas*

*Their was a a good amount of blood on the paper but it was still clear to read as the world went black and the next second Richas was in egg heaven accidentally falling as bobby hugged him richarlyson smiling as he closed his eyes*|

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