PT 23 Bad, Tina, Bagi , forever

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___________Everyones POV___________

One day, we'll have another day in purgatory for our lovely blue team that ‘everyone loves’ or that's what the team wants to think cus the blue demon or mostly known as bad has been killing people left and right and that's making people annoyed…
No, that's not the word, it's angry people are getting too angry and bad killed too many people.
Now the green and red team are plotting something against them and it's not gonna be good….
__________Forevers/Bagis POV__________

It was a normal day in purgatory with the killing and fights before Etoiles pulled us into a room with Roier, and them both having not their usual swords in their hands kinda freaked us out, but we might know what they need…
Well you see for the past few days it has been chaotic with bad killing people and not everyone has noticed but Tina poisoning peoples food since she new alot of recipes and mostly deadly ones…
Roier pulls Bagi to the side as forever gets pulled to the side by Etoiles..
______________Bagis POV______________

I was a little freaked out as I got pulled to the side by Roier but calmed down as he put the sword down in its holster…
Roier then looked at me with a deadly but honest stair and started to speak..

'”Bagi I know you know what's been going on lately with your little girlfriend killing everyone and you know it's ruining our chances of winning…”'

I shook my head yes making Roier give a thankful smile at me before grabbing the sword and handing it to me…
I stepped back now actually a bit confused making Roier sigh a bit but still had the sword out…

'”Bagi we need you to kill her… cus if you do it then I know she won't try and mess with us cuz u are very dear to her and she would just feel to heart broken if you do so… So is it a yes?”'

I sighed knowing my team…
My family is more important then my stupid love life, so I took the sword and gave Roier a smile knowing I cannot loose for my family's sake..
Roier gave a thankful smile as he patted me on the head and walked off to the others…
I dragged the sword on the floor a bit as I walked out skipping happily and waiting for forever to be finished with whatever he and Etoiles were talking about…..
_____________Forevers POV____________

I was pulled to the side by Etoiles and he had a serious and I mean serious expression as he looked at me with piercing white eyes…
I gulped as I looked at him tilting my head…

'”O que?”'

I ask confused at the green guy…
He sighs and put his hand on his forehead looking down before looking back up the sword still tightly in his hand…
He gave me a weird and actually concerning smile as he started speaking…

'”So you are like Bad's favorite person so I was thinking you just like kill him! And you have been saying you wanted to start killing like me and Roier so what do you say forever? Kill ur best friend”'

I opened my eyes a bit but nodded wanting to help my team from the danger of Badboy and I did want to learn how to kill as good as them so why not!...
I took the sword from him and smiled at him…
He had a sigh of relief before patting my shoulder and walked away towards Roier and the other…
I noticed Bagi was by the entrance of our base and I walked up to her wanting to know what happened with her…
_____________Boths POV______________

Bagi saw forever going closer to her and waved with her free hand since she was carrying the sword in her other…
Forever smiles as he walked over and that making her notice he had a sword as well…
The same one as her…
Forever gave her a wtf is going one look before taking Bagis hand and running off to spawn…
Bagis eyes opened wide as she ran with his their hair blowing in the wind as she starts laughing a bit happy at least someone was nice to her…
About let's say 20 minutes later when they got to spawn forever let go of her hand and looked at her…

'”Bagi I need to know do you have to kill someone… Cus i have to kill Badboy…”'

He says laughing a bit twirling his sword around as he learned that trick from Etoiles when he was training with him…
Bagi shook her hear yes but her years poking up as she heard some commotion from a few feet away in the middles quest area…
They walked over their seeing the people they wanted to see…
They put their swords in their holsters and walked to them waving and smiling not suspicious at all…
Bad and Tina waved smiling as they came over to them…
Bad was a bit distant and covered in blood as Tina had eye bags under her eyes and green fluid on her face and neck…
Bagi knew it was poison or at least stuff to make it…
Bagi and forever gave the two, two flowers each with a smile…
Bad and Tina didn't know what was coming until Bagi hugged Tina and hearing Tina cough with a sluggish sound made bad jump and back up more…
Bad looked at forever and Bagi and looking hurt but smiling…

'”Wow just wow forever and Bagi betraying the two people who cared for you… But hey I do hope you guys know we don't forgive easily…”'

Bad says as he drops his sword to the ground and Forever stabbing him in the neck, hearing the blood run down his neck and him gasp for his last breath with a smile before the chats popped up…

[ Tina was killed trying to escape Bagi ]

[ Badboyhalo was killed trying to escape ForeverplayerG ]

Etoiles-[ LETS FUCKING GOO!!!! I knew you two could do it ]

Tubbo-[ gg.. ]


Badboyhalo-[ gg forever but I'll get you just wait… ]

Tina-[ Bagi tea duo is fucking over… ]

Bagi-[ Wait Tina please… ]

Tina-[ hahah… no you made it clear I'm not wanted so you better watch out for ur food:) ]

ForeverplayerG-[ I don't regret that at all… all for my family 💗 ]

Tubbo-[ Fuck Bagi watch out cus when Tina says a threat she is gonna do it… ]

Cellbit-[ Oh shit- ]

[-] [ Tina left the game ]

[-] [ Badboyhalo left the game ]
_____________Boths POV______________

Forever looked at Bagi and covered his mouth…
Bagi looked back with a white shocked face knowing she did something she was gonna regret…

'”Forever I'm fucked so so so fucked…”'

Forever nods at Bagi grabbing her hand and going back to the base…
The split of getting high fives and thumbs up from others as they walked to their rooms…
They got their and fell asleep blood still on them as they knew something was coming and they were fucked…

( I really hope you like this!! I'm sorry if it's not really good I haven't written a book in a while so I'm a bit rusty and I would appreciate it if you left comments of if I need to approve anything or if it's ok )

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