Healing Bonds

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Requested by - @Vanshi0609

Sitting in a cozy café, Jungkook took a sip of his drink, letting the familiar aroma soothe his mind. Lost in his thoughts, he was surprised by a familiar voice that pulled him back to the present moment.

"Jungkook? What are you doing here in a cafe during school hours?" Jimin asked surprise. Jungkook got nervous," Oh, hey, Jimin hyung ,Uh, just needed a break from class, you know?" Jimin eyes firm," Jungkook, this is not okay. You can't just skip school whenever you feel like it."

" I just needed a break, hyung. What's the big deal?" Jungkook said defensively. Jimin got angry," The big deal is you're neglecting your responsibilities. We're not kids anymore, we have to face our problems." Without waiting for a response, Jimin grabbed Jungkook's arm, pulling him up from his chair.

"We're going home. You need to talk to the others about this."

"Hyung, come on. Can't we just—"

Jimin interrupts him saying ,"No excuses, Jungkook. You can't keep avoiding things. It's time to face reality."

Jimin was clearly frustrated as he pulled his brother out of the café.

As Jimin and Jungkook entered the house, the atmosphere shifted. Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Taehyung, engrossed in their individual activities, looked up.

"Guys, we need to talk. Jungkook's been skipping school." Jimin said firmly.

"Again, Jungkook? We've talked about this." Jin said disappointed. Yoongi sighed ,"You can't keep avoiding your responsibilities." Hoseok got frustrated ," School is important, Kookie. What's going on with you?"

"We're all here for each other, but you can't just run away from your problems."Namjoon said seriously. Taehyung got concerned ,"Jungkook, why are you doing this? Just tell us."

" I don't want to !"

"You have to tell us." Hoseok said " Are you alright ? Did something happed ?" He now asked concern.  

But Jungkook was Frustrated and overwhelmed, for everything that he didn't want to explain anything even if his brothers asking him concern.    

 "You guys never understand! I needed a break, and all you do is criticize me!" Jungkook said angrily. "You're all acting like you know everything! I needed a break, and all you do is judge me!"

"Jungkook, we just want to help. Skipping school isn't the answer." Jin tried to calm. " You can't keep running away from your problems, Kook." Yoongi added.

Jungkook angrily said, "You guys don't even care about me! It's like nobody even likes me in my class, and you don't understand how hard it is!"

"Jungkook, we care about you, but skipping school won't fix anything." Hoseok said.

Jungkook got frustrated as he yelled ,"I'm done with all of you!" 

With those words, he stormed out, running away from the house. 

The hyungs sighed, as Jin said  "We can't let him push us away. There's something deeper bothering him."  Yoongi nodded ,"He's not one to act out like this. We need to figure out what's going on in his life."

Jungkook x BTS[ BTS as Brothers one- short Stories] Book-2 Where stories live. Discover now