The Unwelcome Cadence

481 19 1

Requested by - _joonation_

Ages of BTS




Namjoon- 11

Jimin- 10

Taehyung- 9

Jungkook- 7

     Note : Editted                       

Mrs. Kim knew Jungkook was uncomfortable, so she took him to his room to help him settle in. "Jungkook, feel at home here. After all it's your home now. It might take a while for everyone to get used to each other, but you'll fit right in," She said.

Jungkook managed a shy smile, grateful for Mrs. Kim's efforts to include him. Inside his room, he noticed photos of his new six brothers, laughing and making memories.

"If you need anything, just ask. Your brothers will come around,  it just takes time," Mrs. Kim reassured him.

Jungkook nodded with a smile,but inside, he still felt alone. Despite the warm room, he felt disconnected from the family he wanted to be part of. He sat on his bed, unsure how to navigate this new situation.

Meanwhile, in the living room,the atmosphere in the Kim household was tense as the news of Jungkook's adoption go through the family.

"Mom, Dad, are you sure about this? We already have our own way of doing things, and adding someone new might mess everything up."Jin compain  with a furrowed brow.

 "Jin, we understand it's a big change, but we believe in the strength of our family. We can make it work."Mrs. Kim said.

"Change is unnecessary. We're fine the way we are. Why complicate things?" Yoongi express his reservations.

"Yoongi, families grow, and love is meant to be shared. We're not replacing anyone, we're expanding our hearts."Mr. Kim tried to make him understand. 

 "But what about us? What if we're not as special to you anymore?"  Hoseok asked.

"Hobi's right. We need to consider how this will affect everyone. It's not just about us, but about Jungkook too." Namjoon added.

 "I don't want to be forgotten. What if Jungkook becomes the favorite?" Jimin said pouting.

 "I like things the way they are. Why do we need someone else?" Taehyung said irritated.

"Your worries won't come true. Don't overthink it, and treat Jungkook with the same kindness you show each other. Because from now on he is also your brother" Mr Kim said.

With that, their parents left the room not waiting for any further discussion.

In the days after, Jungkook tried to befriend his new brothers, but they kept their distance, feeling uneasy.

One evening, Jungkook gathered his courage to talk with his brothers,when he saw his brothers sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Hey, guys, do you mind if I sit here?" He asked.

The room fell silent for a moment, and the brothers exchanged uneasy glances.

Jimin shifted uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding eye contact said "Sure, whatever."

As Jungkook sat down, the room felt tense. Jin looked serious, Yoongi kept eating without a word, Hoseok was unusually quiet, and Namjoon seemed lost in thought.

Feeling uneasy, Jungkook looked for a water bottle since he was thirsty. Spotting one on the table, he reached for it but accidentally dropped it, spilling water on Jimin.

Jungkook x BTS[ BTS as Brothers one- short Stories] Book-2 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя