Chapter 1

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King Severus Snape, adorned in his most majestic attire, is seated on his throne, his intense gaze fixed upon one of the guards, his eyes ablaze with determination. "You said you found someone wandering my ice lands?" he asked, his voice cold.

With a nod and a small bow, the guard silently acknowledges him. "Yes, my lord. She was found wandering the castle grounds in the woods, looking for a way out."

His features become rigid, and with a haughty gaze, he leans forward on the throne. "You said it yourself - she was searching for a way out. Do you dare suggest I let her go after she had breached my realm? Do you think me such a fool?" The icy tone in King Severus' voice sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it.

Opening his mouth, the guard starts to say something, but quickly changes his mind and shakes his head. "No, my lord. But she is just a mere traveler who lost her way."

There's a flicker of amusement in the king's voice, even as his eyes narrow slightly. "Ah, a mere traveler, you say? Then perhaps I should show her the true meaning of hospitality in the Winter Court."

With a gesture, the king's guard beckoned two members of his unit to bring her closer. As she entered the throne room, a man pushed her roughly, causing her to stumble and fall onto the chilling stone surface beneath her. With anticipation etched in his hardened eyes, King Severus Snape observed her arrival before him. As he stepped down from his seat, his black leather gloved hand reached out, gripping the chain around her neck tightly as he pulled her closer. With a wince, she slowly opened her eyes, revealing the fear and discomfort that etched her freckled face.

"Ah, a lost traveler, seeking warmth in my lands. But be warned, my dear, for I am not known for my hospitality." His voice was bitter, yet there was an undeniable charm to it.

The woman's pretty light brown eyes welled up with tears, but she quickly blinked them away and averted her gaze from him.

"Do you know why I don't show mercy to trespassers?" He inched closer, his exhale causing a ticklish sensation in her ear. "Because they challenge my authority, and I cannot allow that."

Once more, she grimaced, sensing the tightening of the chain encircling her neck as he addressed her. "Tell me, what is your name, little traveler?" he asked, his voice still cold.

With a slight bow, the guard moved forward. "We have had little luck in getting her to speak, my lord. She's not uttered a single word."

"Hmm, perhaps she's not used to my kind of hospitality. Or maybe she's just too scared to speak." He smirked slightly, amused by the power he held over her. "In any case, she'll learn to obey soon enough."

Her light brown eyes transformed their expression from fear to something different. Giving him a piercing stare, she opted to stay silent.

"So, you choose silence over obedience, do you? Very well. I want to clarify that I am a tolerant ruler, but even my patience has its limits." He stood upright, casting a shadow over her.

"What shall we do with her, my lord?" The guard, filled with concern, inquired while looking at the young woman. "People of her realm can't survive here."

The woman was met with a gaze full of amusement as King Severus Snape narrowed his eyes. He advanced, causing the chain around her throat to constrict slightly. "You remind me of my own humble beginnings."

With a gulp, she endured the discomfort of the chain around her neck, which left a noticeable mark. To prevent herself from crying due to the pain, she squeezed her jaw firmly.

"You're right, my guard. We can't simply let her perish. She'll have to adapt or die trying." His gaze never leaving the girl, he pondered for a moment before adding, "For now, she'll be given shelter and food suitable for her season."

Ice KingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz