Chapter 4

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His maid nodded, her footsteps echoing closely behind him. With a swift motion, she tossed aside the thick blanket that covered the expansive bed in the king's chambers. "Place her here, my lord. We must warm her immediately."

His face grew stern as he considered the idea of letting her go, even if it meant keeping her warm. Taking a deep breath, he carefully positioned her on the bed, sensing the quiver of her body as he touched her. In the frosty air, Lily exhaled, her breath materializing briefly before disappearing. The frost slowly crept up her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. In a hurry, the maid draped a blanket over her and began rubbing her arms, hoping to generate warmth.

"My lord, this isn't working fast enough," she said in a panic.

The sight of the maid working frantically to warm Lily up consumed Severus' attention, his mind racing with solutions to lend a hand. Whispers about her abilities in the Spring realm had reached his ears, promising potential usefulness.

"My lord," the maid said, snapping him out of his thoughts. "She needs extra body heat."

"I'll provide it," he said, his voice cold and commanding. "Help me bring her closer to me."

Settling into the bed, Snape felt the comforting embrace of the covers as the maid carefully aided him in drawing her nearer. "I'll get more blankets," she said before leaving the room.

The maid departed, leaving Severus and Lily alone. In the room's quiet, he drew her nearer, their bodies now melded together beneath the weight of the thick blankets. As he felt her shivering subside against his chilled form, his icy demeanor softened slightly. As his gaze traveled over her face, he couldn't help but be captivated by the faint freckles that graced her cheeks. Despite his rough demeanor, Severus couldn't help but be captivated by the little things about Lily. Even in her current state of discomfort, her beauty remained striking, captivating everyone who saw her. He tried to suppress the warmth that welled up inside him, determined to keep his icy facade intact.

Severus watched as the frost slowly disappeared. Lily's breathing grew more pronounced, yet she remained in a state of unconsciousness.

"Stay with me, Lily," he murmured, his voice softening as he gently stroked her cheek. An unfamiliar warmth spread through his chest, tingling and pulsating with a sensation he couldn't quite put into words.

Severus' heart skipped a beat as he heard a small, unfamiliar sound coming from her for the first time. He leaned closer, his lips grazing her ear. "That's it, Lily. Stay with me."

Her eyes gradually opened, revealing a gaze that was a mixture of light brown with a touch of green, fixated on him. "Lily," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Can you hear me?"

Her eyelids fluttered as she blinked, feeling a chill run down her spine, causing her to huddle closer to him in search of warmth. Lily buried her face in his chest, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the softness of his shirt against her cheek. Snape's cold facade faltered as he sensed her trembling in his embrace. His heart raced, causing him to hesitate for a moment. "Yes, Lily," he finally said, his voice strained. "I'm here."

As she snuggled closer, Severus could feel the warmth of her small hand on his chest. As he observed the frost slowly dissipating around her, his heart quickened at the gentle touch of her hand against him. He stroked her cheek, his icy fingers ghosting over her skin. "Stay with me, Lily."

The maid returned, her face lighting up with a smile as she took in the delightful scene before her. "Bless, she looks so much better."

"Yes," Severus agreed, his voice low, "she does." His gaze flicked to the maid, irritation flashing in his eyes. "Leave us," he commanded.

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