Chapter 5

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As she walked away, Severus couldn't help but be enthralled by the elegance of her stride, which only heightened her allure. Whenever she was near, he experienced a conflicting blend of curiosity, irritation, and an inexplicable magnetism towards her. Her unexpected kiss left him blinking in surprise, a tingle lingering on his nose. Despite his efforts to resist, King Severus finds himself irresistibly attracted to Lily with each passing day. Despite his efforts to hide his vulnerability, he finds himself captivated by her charm.

The next day, the chill in the air was more pronounced than usual, but Lily braved the cold to feed the rare ice deer in the garden. In his throne room, Snape's pacing filled the air, his eyes locked in an intense gaze as he pondered. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the image of the Spring princess out of his head. Her presence in his desolate kingdom was like a splash of color, bringing life and brightness to the surroundings.

Just then, Lucius entered the throne room, his footsteps echoing against the marble floors. "My lord, do you know the whereabouts of the girl?" he inquired, his voice filled with concern.

His attention shifted from the window, and Severus found himself locking eyes with Lucius. "She is in the garden."

"Has she uttered a single word yet?" Lucius asked, his eyebrows furrowing in interest.

"No, she hasn't," Severus replied in a stern tone. He turned his attention back to the window, feeling a gentle breeze coming through the open pane, beckoning him to join her in the garden. "She's unable to speak. Lily is under a curse."

A look of surprise washed over Lucius's face as his eyes grew wide. "A curse, my lord? Who has cursed her and why?"

Facing him once more, Severus' face became a stoic mask of anger, barely concealing his true emotions. "I'm not sure, Lucius."

"I advise in finding out, my lord. There must be a reason someone wanted her quiet," Lucius said, his tone filled with concern, his hands tightly folded in front of him.

Severus' eyes met Lucius', icy and filled with careful calculation. "You're right. We'll find out who cursed her and why. But until then, keep an eye on her." He paused, his voice dropping to a low growl.

With a nod, Lucius turned and strode away, his face contorted into a menacing and icy glare. With Lucius gone, Severus returned to the window, the weight of the mysterious curse on Lily's tongue lingering in his thoughts. The feeling lingered within him, insisting that there was a hidden layer to the intrusion into his winter realm.

In the garden, Lily sat comfortably on a bench. Her gaze swept across the frozen terrain, taking in the vast expanse of the icy landscape and the pristine white blanket that covered the ground. King Severus stood by the window, his eyes fixed on the scene outside, a mixture of severity and fascination clear in his expression. Her situation didn't diminish the captivating allure she possessed, and he couldn't deny its pull.

"Lily," his voice resounded through the stillness of the halls, creating an eerie atmosphere. "You might as well come inside."

She looked up at the window and saw him standing there. As Lily makes her way to the door and enters the castle, she can't help but shiver from the cold. Snape briskly crossed the room, observing her shivering form, which momentarily softened his typically frigid disposition.

"Here," he said, handing her a thick, warm cloak, the luxurious ermine fur adding an elegant touch. "Put this on."

Lily wrapped the cloak around her small frame, feeling its warmth and protection, and smiled at him. With a slight rise on her toes, she placed a delicate kiss on his cheek to show her appreciation. Severus' eyes widened slightly, his surprise clear at the unexpected gesture of affection, but he remained steadfast, not pulling away. Instead, he leaned into it slightly, sensing his cold exterior briefly thawing under her touch yet again.

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