Chapter 3

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Severus swiftly spun on his heels and walked off, his robes billowing in the air. He was aware that she wouldn't take his words or actions lightly. As he took the throne, the Winter's cold seemed to cling to him, and his mind was already filled with plans to weaken her determination.

Lucius suddenly came into view from around the corner. "Problem, my lord?" he asked, a slight bow of his head.

With a sneer on his lips, Severus turned towards his advisor. "Dealing with the woman from the Spring realm is proving to be harder than we thought. She rejected the idea of acknowledging my authority or considering my offer."

"She's not spoken yet?" With a thoughtful expression, Lucius asked, his chin being rubbed.

Shaking his head, King Severus let out a sigh. "No, she hasn't. Her lack of response only made me even more angry. Lucius, I desire her to be completely shattered. It is important for her to realize that she cannot challenge my authority within my own kingdom."

Once again, Lucius tapped his chin. "Perhaps meeting our beast would get her speaking?"

While the idea had value, Severus wasn't someone who depended solely on intimidation. "No, I want her to submit willingly. I want her to beg for mercy and acknowledge me as her king."

"Lock her up in the courtyard," Lucius recommended. "She would desperately ask to come indoors in search of warmth."

"That's a brilliant idea," Severus remarked, his eyes shining with approval. "Get the chains ready. And make sure they are unbearable." He stood up from his throne, his mind already whirling with thoughts of how to break her spirit.

Shortly after, Lucius reappeared and informed the king that the courtyard was prepared. With a concise nod, Severus conveyed his cold and unyielding disposition. "Good. Have her brought there and chain her up. I will deal with her in a moment."

"Yes, my lord," Lucius said with a smirk, giving a slight bow before making his exit.

Severus observed as his advisor vanished, immediately shifting his focus to the upcoming task. He was determined to make sure Lily fully grasped the extent of his power and control over her destiny. In a matter of moments, a guard emerged and conveyed the message that Lily was confined in the courtyard.

Severus gave a brief nod, his face displaying a frigid and unwavering demeanor. "Good," he said, following the guard outside.

As mentioned before, Lily was bound with chains around her neck and ankles, and she was tethered to a pole in the center of the courtyard. Coldly, Severus locked eyes with her, his intense gaze leaving a lasting impression. "You're mine now, Lily."

With a vigilant gaze, he closely monitored her while she sat, her eyes locked on her hands. He sensed the air filled with tension, as if it were a tightly stretched wire. "You will respond to me, Lily," he demanded in a menacingly low tone. "Or you will regret it."

Despite her body trembling from the cold, she gazed up at him without uttering a word. Severus' gaze briefly swept across her body. "You're trembling. I'm hoping it's fear that I sense, not disinterest. Now, why did you come here?"

As soon as she looked down, he demanded that she make eye contact with him. Disobedience was something he couldn't stand, especially when it came from someone he now had authority over. The sudden loudness of his voice caused Lily to startle, her eyes fixed on him.

His eyes narrowed with intensity as he glanced down at her. "You haven't answered my question," he growled, his voice filled with menace. "Why did you come here?"

Positioned at the edge of the courtyard, Lucius attentively observed the scene. "Perhaps she's a spy, my lord!" he called out loudly, a bit of excitement from the scene in his voice.

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