Battle with the strikers part 3

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I know this is taking forever but bear with me on this. It's gonna be a fun read for you guys. (Hopefully)

Godzilla stared at the two new titans, a growl rumbling in his throat. "Anguirus, stay here and protect the kingdom. Mothra and I will handle these guys." Godzilla said. "Hell no, I'm helping you guys." Anguirus replied, earning a response from Mothra. "You can help by watching Baragon! Make sure he doesn't wake up." Mothra said before rushing into battle along side Godzilla. "Not like you gave me much of a choice." Anguirus muttered.

Godzilla and Manda charged at each other, while Varan and Mothra clashed into the air.

Godzilla attempted to bite Manda, but the serpent like dragon just evaded out of the way and coiled its long body around Godzilla's large frame in an atemped to suffocate him. It bit down on Godzilla's shoulder and the titan king made a roar of pain. However, Godzilla used his sharp talons to slash Manda's face causing him to loose his grip on Godzilla's shoulder, and then the king of the monsters bit down on the part of Manda's long body that was wrapped around his upper body. Godzilla then began thrashing and shaking his head as Manda tried using the small claws attached to his short yet powerful arms to slash at Godzilla. After a powerful struggle, Godzilla managed to unwrap the sea dragon from his body and using his powerful arms, Godzilla threw Manda towards the ocean where the slippery titan slunk back into the depths. Obviously trying to bait Godzilla into a fight. He then followed Manda into the water.

Meanwhile with Mothra. Varan and the queen of the monsters clashed into an epic aerial battle. Varan bit one of Mothra's front legs as the two spun in the air like combating birds. However Mothra pushed off Varan and created space between the two titans. Varan rushed at Mothra but with her powerful front legs often used as weapons, she slammed them downwards right on top of Varan's head. This sent him shooting downwards, but just before he hit the water he maneuvered and flew upwards back at Mothra. Mothra dodged his attack and flew up towards the sky and sure enough Varan followed.

Anguirus watched Baragon, this particular Baragon, like all the other titans that survived the war, was the oldest of his kind. He watched in anticipation, he may not be as bad as the other strikers, or even some of the Angurius that he knew of from long ago, but he's still a striker at heart. Meaning he's always ready for a fight.
Angurius soon noticed Baragon slur in his sleep. "Ah great, he's waking up." Angurius muttered as Baragon's orangish eyes shot open. The sleeping form of the red menace slowly stood up. He looked at his surroundings and then back at Angurius. His mouth twisted into a dark sickening smile. He doesn't want the city, he won't waste time with humans when there's another titan to fight.

Baragon let out a screech as he charged at Anguirus. Lucky, the armadillo like Kaiju jumped out of the way just in time, landing to the side. Baragon pivoted his feet before he landed on the ground, so that now he was facing Angurius.
Angurius leaped foward and tailed whipped Baragon right in the face, sending the creature stumbling back. The red menace opened his mouth and shot a beam of fire which Angurius dodged.

The fire burned several of Arendelle's houses as the people watched in horror from the cliff side as several buildings in their beloved kingdom burned. People had just lost their houses.

Anguirus let out a loud screech of his own, his super sonic scream, which disorientated Baragon as he started scratching at his ears in pain, letting out grunts and growls of anger and discomfort. Angurius then charged at the vulnerable Baragon and bit him on the neck. However Baragon used its powerful, long prehensile tail to wrap around Angurius's neck, he then tightened his grip around his neck causing Anguirus to let him go due to the strangulation and lack of air.
Baragon then threw the oversized armadillo and sent him crashing onto a cliff side. Baragon's horn once again glowed bright orange as he spit out his flame breath. Anguirus then turned around and used his spiky, armored back to block the flames.

Meanwhile with Mothra, she had hid in the clouds from Varan as the flying lizard floated in the air, scanning his surroundings and watch carefully. Mothra then webbed his mouth and tackled him straight through the air. Her long legs similar to that of a praying mantis pierced the chest of Varan whom descended downwards straight towards the ocean. The two landed with a great splash after spiraling straight through the sky right into the sea.

For a moment Mothra caught a glimpse of Godzilla struggling under the water, wrestling with Manda for control of the fight. She knew it was only a matter a time till Godzilla won that fight. A couple of seconds at best.

She flew back up in the air with Varan once again chasing her, but this time she maneuvered behind him in mid air and slashed straight downwards leaving deep gashes on Varan's scaly back. Varan wasn't done yet, as he flew turned around and flew straight back towards her in a dive bomb fashion. But Mothra was ready, she clashed with the flying lizard mid air and stabbed her stinger into Varan's gut, then flipped around with her stinger still embedded in Varan's stomach and pushed down with her legs, releasing her stinger and sending a bleeding Varan towards the ocean. Now too weak to fight, Varan sunk into the abyss, drowning and bleeding to death.

Godzilla wrestled for control with Manda, who was more agile than he was under the water. Biting down on Manda scaly body, Godzilla heard a sicking cracking sound, his sharp teeth had penetrated Manda's tough skin and as he bit down harder, his teeth went even deeper. Manda was now dead, but Godzilla decided to take it a step further. Shaking his head violently as he breached the water, Godzilla ripped Manda's head clean off before coming out of the water with the head of a decapitated Manda.

Godzilla dropped his head and let out a roar of victory. He then turned to watch Angurius struggle with Baragon. He and Mothra looked at each other with knowing looks and then jumped to action.

Anguirus was struggling hard against Baragon. The fire had been constantly burning at Angurius's armored plating, not that it was penetrating it, or burning through. The spiky armor was too though for something like that to happen. However, Angurius was now stuck as if he tried to move, then Baragon's unnaturally hot fire would burn his not so protected skin.

However, Godzilla came up behind Baragon and grabbed his tail with his powerful jaws. Godzilla then threw Baragon up in the air where Mothra caught him, flying the struggling Kaiju up even higher. Baragon shot his fire breath everywhere ecstatically. When Mothra threw him into the air, she barely had enough time to dodge as Baragon spun around in the air and tried to breath fire on her, luckily though, she dodged it and cleared out of the way for what was about to happen next.

Godzilla then charged up his atomic breath and shot upwards straight towards Baragon. The powerful beam disintegrated the red meanace instantly as he let out a roar of pain before burning to death and exploding due to his unstable body core. If he died, the explosion would be big enough to level an entire island. When Baragon exploded, the massive cloud of flames and smoke was seen for miles.

After the battle, the people of Arendelle witnessed as Godzilla, Mothra, and Anguirus were illuminated by the setting sun. Their great forms becoming darkened like shadows as the sun cast its final light of the day. These three titans looked angelic as they almost posed, the shadows making them look mystical. The people of Arendelle watched as the new protectors took their stand against the darkness, rising up like a new dawn. Arendelle's new heroes.

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