The awakening

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Just a fair warning I may or may not have different views about this story that I'm writing so don't take anything to seriously, ok, enjoy. This story takes place after the first frozen movie and Godzilla vs Kong.
You can use any Godzilla incarnation you want for this story. I'm using Godzilla 2021. I do not own these characters.

Godzilla felt a strange sensation. He felt tired and hurt, which makes sense after the couple of days he's had. All the people he killed and destroyed. The people....who were prepared to turn against him. What would Mothra think about him?

The waves crashed against his wounded body as he struggled to keep awake.

The humans had made a literal robot version of him to kill him and every other titan on earth. And using Ghidorah's body to do it. This has been the second time these stupid creatures had risen him from the dead.

Godzilla's body was starting to give out, and if he didn't find somewhere to rest soon, well, let's not think about that.

Godzilla's eyes start to close as he got more and more dreary. "No, just a little longer...god I'm so tired." He thought in his mind. His eyes finally closed after not being able to hold on for much longer. Then...blackness.


Queen Elsa was a just and kind ruler, not just ruling over her people but interacting with them, playing with the children and talking with their parents and the common folk, interacting with her people was something she enjoyed.

The people, despite her magical ice powers, saw her as the greatest queen they ever had since Elsa's late mother Queen Iduna.

Elsa was enjoying this bright, sunny day, walking along the streets of Arendelle. The kingdom that loved her so. She took a deep breath and embraced the spring air. Her sister Anna walked up to her and started speaking. "Hey Elsa, Olaf wanted to know what we're doing for the spring festival?" She asked. Anna was a red headed girl who was the complete opposite of her blonde and introverted sister. "I'm handling it Anna. Just keep reminding Olaf that it's still a couple of weeks away." she stated with a friendly smirk. "I'll try, but you know how Olaf gets about these things. He loves festivals after all." Anna said with a smile, to which the queen gave one of her own to her sister. "And I wonder where he could have gotten that from?" Elsa said giggling remembering the time they first made Olaf when they were younger and Anna wanted him to be a little bit like her. Adventurous and kind of silly. Okay, definitely silly.

Suddenly Elsa didn't feel to well and got a nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Elsa, what is it?" Her sister asked concerned as Elsa bent over a little with her hand on her head. "Nothing Anna, just a little headache." Elsa replied and Anna gave her a worried look.

"I knew it, your over working yourself again!" She spoke concerned, "Come on, let's get you to bed." Anna said and escorted Elsa to her room where she laid down on her bed, covering herself with the blankets and muttered "Thank you Anna." much her sister Anna's delight.

"Sleep well Elsa." Anna said and left the room. However Elsa did anything but.

She had horrible dreams of a strange beast with glowing red eyes, it's entire body seemed to be made of metal, and that roar. Something about it almost seemed unnatural. It had large metal arms and glowing red spines going down it's back.

It was without a doubt a destroyer. The strange metal creature released a powerful red beam that destroyed several blocks of strange tall buildings and as it charged crushed people under it's huge metal feet.

Elsa woke up with a shock. Sweat glistening down her pours. She had heard the name this creature was given, MechaGodzilla.

Elsa shuddered at the thought of such a creature existing, worst part is, it appeared almost man made.

Elsa got up from her bed and walked around the room. She came across the portrait of her father, king Agnarr and stood in front of it. It was his coronation day and he was holding two royal objects in his hands as he posed for this painting. One was a gold scepter and the other was a golden sphere with green gems engraved on it.

He looked proud and Elsa shed a tear. She missed her dad, and her mom. But they were both lost at sea.
"I wish you were here dad, I miss you." the young queen spoke softly.

Elsa was thrust out of her moment when Kai, the palace servant barged in. "Your majesty! Terribly sorry to barge in but." Kai said but stopped in his tracks, almost out of fear for what he was about to say next. "What is it?" The queen asked concerned. "It's urgent." he spoke with dread laced in his voice. Fear very clearly in his eyes. Now Elsa was worried.

As she walked to the docks on the fjord of Arendelle, Elsa was wondering what could have had Kai so spooked. He was the most loyal and trusted servant in the castle. Serving many years he was by far the most experienced. So what could be so important for him to barge in like that, Elsa hoped he was ok. Just as she hoped that this situation wasn't as bad as Kai had thought. She was wrong.

As Elsa walk to the docks there was a large crowd blocking her view of what was happening, but clearly whatever it was was obviously entertaining as the whole kingdom watched in awe. Anna appeared from the crowd, "Elsa, come on!" She exclaimed as she grabbed Elsa's arm and dragged her through the crowd.

Elsa and Anna stopped at the docks where Elsa was shocked, in awe, and downright terrified. In the fjord, lied the huge, monstrous form of a large reptilian creature. It had black scales and huge spines covering it's back. It had a reptile like head with a short mussel with rows of razor sharp teeth, and a long tail that was almost completely submerged in the water.

The crazy thing was that the fjord within the kingdom walls had not even covered half of this monster's great body.

"Oh my god." Elsa muttered, "Anna!" She heard a voice yell. It was Kristoff, followed by Olaf the friendly snow man and Sven his trusty reindeer.

"Kritoff!" Anna exclaimed as she rushed to his arms. "What is it?" He asked after separating from her, looking at the large form of the monster. "It's a dragon! I knew they existed!" Someone from the crowd shouted. "It's clearly a giant ya dolt!" Another one shouted. "Are you blind!? Look at it and tell me that isn't a dragon!" A woman shouted, seemingly agreeing with the first one.

"Maybe it just wants warm hugs" Olaf said with a smile. Everyone stopped and looked at him confused, and his smile faded a bit. "Whatever it is, if it wakes up it could easily destroy all of Arendelle." Kristoff said gravely.

"Even with your ice powers Elsa, you might not be able to stop it." Anna said facing her sister. Stopping it was out of the question, ice powers or not, there's no way she would be able to stop that thing. Freezing a kingdom is one thing, but stopping that, a creature of that size. It just doesn't seem possible.

"If only we knew what it was thinking?" Elsa muttered. Although that might not be such a good idea, given the nightmares this creature is currently experiencing.


Flashes of all the fights he's been through rushed through his mind. Godzilla was struggling to wake up, he could sense in the back of his mind he was somewhere new, but where? A question to be answered later, the king of monsters is currently comatose and healing rapidly from his fight with MechaGodzilla and before that, his fight with Kong.

Neither of them had been easy. But soon he would awake to this new world. The question is, will they be ready.

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