Wake up call part 1

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That morning for breakfast, Elsa tiredly sat down next to Anna with the book of titans in her hands, much to Anna's confusion. "What's that?" She asked her sister. "It's a book I found on my bed last night. I don't know where it came from, it just appeared." Elsa said confusing her sister even further. "Wait, what do you mean it just appeared?" She asked concerned.

Though before Elsa could answer, Kristoff, Sven, and Olaf walked into the dining hall. "Oh pancakes!" Kristoff said licking his lips. "Oh, I want some!" Olaf exclaimed excitedly. "Olaf, you can't eat food, your made of snow. It's goes right through you remember." Elsa giggled wholeheartedly and the snowman just nervously chuckled and sat down.

"Anyways, Elsa about the book." Anna asked her sister trying to get on topic. "What book?" Kristoff asked.
"Yes, now that your all here there is something we must discuss, but it's not for the faint of heart." Elsa said, "well whatever it is, it can't be all that crazy" Olaf replied and Sven the reindeer just nodded in agreement.

Elsa then described how she found the book as it seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Then she described what she read about the titans. God defining beasts that once roamed the earth in three separate categories. The Destroyers, The Strikers, and The Guardians. She talked about how there was a war between them and all three classes had to pick sides and how the most powerful of them slaughtered a great many of them. She said his name was Godzilla, a name that put fear in the hearts of everyone at the table, and that he was the monster in the fjord.

Kristoff, Anna, Sven, and Olaf just stared at her in shock. "I was wrong." Olaf said as the pancakes in Kristoff's mouth slipped out because of how far his jaw dropped.

"So, let me get this straight. A mysterious book just appeared out of nowhere with information about god like monsters that just so happens to kinda be relevant to our current predicament, and you trust it just like that?" Anna asked. "Yes." Elsa stated simply, and with that Anna sunk back in her seat eyeing the book that was now on the table suspiciously.

"About this Godzilla. You mentioned him being a guardian, is that true? Can we trust him?" Kristoff asked.
"I don't know, what I do know is that when he wakes we can't get in his way." Elsa said walking to the window.

She stared out into the fjord where the creature lied motionless. She felt a deep feeling in her guts, something she couldn't explain. Why was all this happening, and how?

"Queen Elsa!!" A guard burst in and Elsa turned to look at him concerned. "There's been a report, a village closest to Arendelle towards the north has been attacked." The guard said gravely. Elsa and Anna stared at him in shock before Elsa ran out the door followed by everyone who was sitting at the table.

Elsa ran in the court yard and she pointed to a guard. "Prepare my horse Immediately!" Was all she needed to say before the guard raced off to the sables to accomplish his task. After all, nobody disobeyed the queen.

"Elsa wait!" Anna said behind her. "Anna there's no time, I have to head to the village." Elsa replied, "I just want to make sure your not rushing into anything dangerous!" Anna exclaimed. "I am queen of Arendelle, my job is to protect the people no matter how dangerous!" Elsa spoke with determination and Anna knew she couldn't stop her. Then let me come with you!" Anna pleaded to her sister, "no Anna, I have powers to protect me. You don't." The queen said simply to her younger sister.

The guard returned with the stallion and Elsa saddled on her horse and looked at the guard once more. "Get a garrison of soldiers to the nearest village north of Arendelle!" She ordered and the guard saluted and rushed off once more to fulfill an order from the queen. Elsa looked at Anna, "your in charge while I'm gone." She stated and then rushed away on her horse.


Elsa had been riding down the path for about half an hour, the garrison she had ordered had caught up with her and together they went to investigate the attacking of a nearby village.

When they got there and hour later however, all they saw was the village in ruins and flames. What was once a great village of about 900 people by a great river was destroyed. Elsa gasped and got off her horse and sunk to the ground, hands over her chest. She sincerely hoped this had nothing to do with the unexpected arrival of Godzilla.

Elsa calmed her nerves and stood up, "search the village, be on the lookout for any survivors!" She order with a sense of duty in her voice, and the guards all complied, saddling off their horses and taking out their rifles and unsheathing their swords as they got ready for action.

They walked into the village and Elsa had used her ice powers to put out some of the flames to make it easier for the soldiers to rescue people. The soldiers scoured for any survivors, no luck.

They searched the houses that were not on fire and the houses that were after their queen used her ice powers to extinguish the flames. After the guards had searched a house that was previously on fire, she looked around the village, this was a part of her kingdom. How did this escape her?!

"Your majesty...we found this among the wreckage of the house we just searched." The guard said hesitantly, not knowing how the ice queen would react. In his hands he gave her a doll that probably belonged to a little girl who had most certainly perished by now.

She clutched the doll to her chest with both hands and sunk to the floor on her knees with tears streaming down her face. Snow had unexpectedly fallen in the surrounding area, the only thing was, it was spring...not the type of weather for snow. All the guards looked at Elsa, not in fear, but in sympathy. This was a part of her beloved kingdom too, even if it was a smaller city then the main city of Arendelle where the queen lived.

But just then a loud booming roar was heard and it shook the very foundation they stood on. Elsa got to her feet as the guards stood in front of her for her own protection and saw something she'd knew she never forget. A large, massive shape rose from the water, something she had recognized from the book of titans.

"Slattern." Elsa muttered the creature's name gravelly as she watched the creature stand at 596ft tall with it's three long sharp tails whipping behind him. It's hammer-head shark like face had two sets of large beady eyes that glistened in the sun. It had a fin on it's back that had a bio-luminescence that glowed a bright greenish-blue.

It let out another loud roar as the guards stood with fear as they watched what would probably be their end as the creature got on all fours and stomped towards Elsa and her group.

It let out another loud roar as the guards stood with fear as they watched what would probably be their end as the creature got on all fours and stomped towards Elsa and her group

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This is Slattern (and this is not mine by the way)

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