Living nightmares

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"Everyone go home, there's nothing to see here!" Elsa shouted firmly to the crowd of common folk. "But your majesty!" Someone spoke up. "It's all right, I will have guards sanctioned here around the clock." The queen confirmed.

"But what can they do against that thing?" A person timidly spoke, "I don't know." Elsa muttered under her breath looking at the monstrous creature.

"Alright, you heard her. Everyone get back to your homes!" Kristoff spoke, ushering the crowd back to their homes.

Anna put a comforting hand on Elsa's shoulder, but still had a concerned look on her face. Elsa turned to her sister then looked back at the massive beast in front of them.


At the royal library, Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven were looking through book after book on the myths and legends of Norway, in a desperate attempt to find out what this thing is. And possibly how to stop it.

Anna was sitting at a desk surrounded by old books when she groaned in despair and slammed her head on the table in annoyance. They had been in the library for hours.
"We've been here for hours, researching about what this thing is and how to stop it!" Anna moaned. "If it can be stopped, you mean." Kristoff corrected and continued scrolling through the books on the top shelf with the help of a very tall ladder. Anna just groaned in annoyance at her boyfriend's brutality honest attitude.

Elsa was at the other side of the library when Olaf approached. "Hey Elsa, since your older and thus more all knowing, do you ever get the feeling that this world is full of fun secrets to explore and at every turn there's just more to uncover?" Olaf asked with his bright beaming smile.
"What do you mean, Olaf?" Elsa giggled lightheartedly and turned to look at the small snowman before resting on her knees to get to his level.

"Well, just think a week ago the fact that something like the monster in the bay could even exist would be unbelievable. Just makes you wonder what else the world is hiding that we don't know about?" The snowman said before walking off to check a new shelf. "Ohhh, this one looks interesting, what do you think Sven?" Olaf said taking a book titled Alice of wonderland. The friendly reindeer just made an amused groan.

Elsa watched the two with an amused smile before getting back up. One couldn't help but think about what Olaf had said. Elsa remembered interviewing the guards, they all said pretty much the same thing, how it appeared out of nowhere randomly, just out of the blue.

No one even saw it swim towards the bay until it was already there, but how, something that size couldn't go unnoticed right. Maybe Olaf was right, maybe there really is more to this world then meets the eye.

Just thinking about the creature made Elsa feel crushed by it's shear size in comparison to a human.


That night Elsa churned and rolled in bed, dreaming of a distant world.

The creature in the bay was fighting the large robot Elsa now knew as MechaGodzilla which looked too much like the mysterious beast currently sitting in the middle of their kingdom to be a coincidence. The two fought in a large strange looking city, with people running and screaming for their lives, Elsa knew all this yet she only saw flashes of these
advents. Every crumbled building being destroyed in their giant wrestling match. MechaGodzilla ruthlessly attacks against his opponent, slamming him against tall structures and throwing him to the ground. The creature that had appeared in Arendelle was having a very rough time with it.

Elsa woke up drenched in sweat, why were these visions haunting her? She walked up to the balcony in her room over looking the Bay Area where the creature now slept. It almost looked peaceful, and in a way Elsa was kinda of envious of that peace he seemed to have. But she knew it was probably well deserved.

"What happened to you?" Elsa whispered gently from the balcony.

Realizing it was unlikely anything was going to happen, Elsa turned back to her bed hoping to now get some much needed sleep. But when her eyes laid on her bed, she noticed something that was not there before. A book, filled with a great many pages. It looked old and ancient. How did it get here?

"Hello, where did you come from?" Elsa puzzled. She cautiously picked it up and with a breath blew some dust off the cover. That same dust blew everywhere causing Elsa to cough a little.

She sat down on her bed and read the cover. It was titled, THE TITANS. Intrigued she opened it slowly and wonder filled her eyes. The pages talked about an ancient and forgotten super species called the titans who molded this world into what it is today, for better and worse.

As she read, she learned there are multiple classes of titans. The Destroyers, The Strikers, and The Guardians.
Descriptions of the titans in very detailed art work on each page caught every inch of her attention.

The destroyers were monstrous beings who lived only to kill and cause terror to the earth and all it's living things.
The strikers were neutral, however they loved to fight. And the guardians....they were earth's mightiest protectors, keeping balance no matter what, whether that means protecting humans from forces out of their control, or reminding them their not the true gods of this world. That it never belonged to them.

A long time ago, The Guardians and The Destroyers had a devastating war for the fate of the entire earth. The war became so big that even The Striker class got involved and took sides, many of them aided The Destroyers and many of them helped The Guardians.

But nether side was winning, and as the war dragged on the earth became more and more unstable. Until, the most powerful of The Guardians rose from the depths of the sea and using his mighty power, he slaughtered The Destroyer Titans. His name was....Godzilla.

A name that sent shivers down Elsa's spine. Ironic for an ice queen.

Descriptions of Godzilla indicated he was at least 390 feet tall. Reptilian. Large dorsal spines on his back and a long tail.

"Godzilla", Elsa whispered "is the creature in the fjord." she spoke softly, suddenly the name MechaGodzilla made sense. Especially if it was a weapon to counter him.
Elsa was not sure of how she felt having a creature described to be as powerful as him just lying in their bay. Either way, sleep was not happening tonight.

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