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"My lady!" Mithian exclaims, getting inside the room. "Where have you been? And why are there guards outside the door?"

"Mithian, I need your help," I kick off. "You have been raised in Oriondoth, you know of Owen's family?" She nods much to my relief. "How do you know then?" she asks.

"Go to their house and gather some male clothes and any valuable thing you find, lastly, there's a small drawer close to the door inside it you will find a leather drawstring pouch take it with you, there's not much time, I will explain later," Once she's gone, I gather up all the valuable in my chambers, all the jewels golden and silver and put them in a bag including some portable blankets.

Mithian had taken a lot of time to return giving me enough time to execute my next plan. I called in a guard and asked him to get me a sleeping draft from Gerald. When he took off I intentionally broke a mirror and let out a yell close to my door, a vase in my hands. The remaining guard rushes inside without delay, using the vase, I hit his head knocking him unconscious before dragging his body across my room hiding it from view. The other guard walks in just as I complete the task. I ask him to place the sleeping draught on my table. As he does my bidding and turns around to leave I use an empty jug on the table to hit him unconscious too. Mithian walks in just in time finding the guard on the floor.

"What is going on?" she asked walking over the guard to me.

Saving someone's life is all I said. "Mithian I want you.... I need you to go home right now. I don't want you getting into trouble," I tell her.

"Whatever it is that you doing I hope it's worth the risk," She says. "Be careful." She reminds. I smile at her as she leaves the room. It will be a matter of time before the guards awaken and summon the others. So putting on my cloak I head down the hallways. Finding the dungeons is not so difficult after being dragged there. I creep around hiding when I see guards matching down the pavements securing their duty posts. I get to the top of the stairs leading to the dungeons no guards are around so I take the chance to descend the steps lucky enough there are bowls of soup meant for the guards. I pour out the entire bottle into their food. Only then does the sound of approaching footsteps rent the air. Swiftly, yet agile I hide the packed goods in the sacks by the corner of the room my cloak included. I check the drums close to the wall two are full of water, one is halfway filled having no choice I climb inside placing the lid on top.

Hell, the water was cold, my weight caused it to rise to my head leaving very little space to breath. This night was certainly going to be long. I could see light penetrating through the lid and noise from the soldiers as they ate their meal.

"This is delicious," one said his voice muffled as my ears were partly underwater. I remained still the goal was to be undetected. My teeth started to hit against each other as I grew colder. I tried hard to keep them immobile. I was sure to catch a cold. They took so much time to eat. A voice close to where I hid cracked a joke, the tugging of the lid agitating me. That was it for me and Reeve should I get caught. Reeve especially, I was ready to protect him with my life. Holding my breath, I tilted my body so I was submerged under the water fully. The lid opened to reveal a guard holding it up but his head turned to his colleagues.

Not in a hurry to close it as he went on fooling around with the rest while I suffocated from insufficient air. I thought I saw him stagger before he let go of the lid dramatically. I agilely resurface gasping for air silently. I listened to hear anything, movement or muffled talking before carefully lifting the lid slightly and peering. The guards are scattered on the ground sound asleep. The portion worked effectively. I got out of the drums and picked my stuff covering my wet body in the cloak. I grab the keys to the dungeons opening the main gate to the dungeon.

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