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I woke up right after midday, my body lying recklessly on the ground, my head slightly elevated by the wall. I unlocked the bathroom door to walk into an empty room. The children were gone. I had to clear out the bandages and blood in the bathroom. My side ached when I turned or made the slightest move. Standing in front of the mirror I lift my bloody nightgown, the bandages I used were already soaked, and re-dressing was needed. The door flies open just as I'm about to take off the bandages. Quickly I swirl around letting go of my dress and adjusting my cloak to hide the stains on my dress.

"What now?" I ask my tone elevated in annoyance. I hate being nervous it always has me raising my voice sometimes you'd mistake it for a quarrel or always grumpy. A confused Mithian walks in.

"I'm sorry my lady. I have been searching everywhere for you." She explains. I mouth an 'oh' and then apologize for my tone. "The children were safely taken to their parent's house." She says after seeing me eye the bed.

"I took a walk outside. Needed some air after last night,"

"You were victorious, we owe you our lives," she says happily. "I should prepare your bath the king has a meeting in a few and-"

"I won't be attending. I'll go to the lower town to see how everyone's faring."

"Celia will fetch your breakfast,"

"no no... that won't be necessary, my appetite is low. A bath is all I need and ultimate privacy, no one is allowed in, including you," I order. "I'll dress"

As soon as my bath was drawn I locked myself inside my chamber. Stripping off my nightgown, definitely desperate for a new one because this one was beyond reusing. Untying the bandage had me gritting my teeth as I peeled off the bandages that had held onto my flesh like a second skin.

"AARG!" I scream. I needed to get it treated, I checked it from my mirror and welts were already showing, must be infected already. Oddly, it has been a few hours only, whatever pierced me must have been poisoned. The bath is not as easy too, it's far from comfortable as the water makes my wound pinch on contact. I end up passing out in the water before the banging of my door awakens me. I wrap my body in a towel and head into my room the banging louder. I grabbed the bloody clothes and hid them beside my wardrobe a place no one could see immediately unless they cleaned my room. I open the door just enough to poke my head outside. Orion is standing on the other side.

"ORION!" I say shocked. He turns to face me giving me a suspicious look. "I'm not dressed," I explain

"I have been knocking on your door for a while sorry I had to bang it," he says.

"I passed out while taking my bath,"

"Are you alright? You look sick,"

"I'm fine," I answer before he finishes his statement.

"Where's Mithian?"

"I relaxed her duties for the day." We remain silent. "so? What brings you here? It's already weird that you have me peeping through my door undressed." He nods.

"Right," He kisses his teeth. "Father has demanded a meeting with everyone, your presence is needed."

"I'll be there in a few," I say closing the door behind me. I head straight to my wardrobe picking another plain tunic tearing it up and using it as bandages. I grab a black gown one that will camouflage the blood. The good thing is the lacing was at the front and therefore easy to put on. I decided to let my hair fall without any designs or jewels on it. It also needs trimming it had overgrown past my sitting apparatus, I loved it a little bit passed my waist, but not that lower. I clear up everything locking the room once I'm done. My pace is slow as I use the handrail to head down the steps clinging to the wall, as I brace myself heading to the throne room. Upon reaching the door I exhale painfully knowing fully that I have to pretend I'm fine. I walk in just as everyone is settling in the council, Leonius the knight's captain, and a few knights on their usual left side, the nobles and courtiers on the right, and the king on his raised dais.

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