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It was him, my knight in shining armour. Everyone glanced at each other in flummox. I was sure it was him how could I forget the face of a man like this?

"How do you know him?" the king asks. Mason too is confused and nervous.

"he was the man who once saved me from slave traders," I explain.

"I remember you," Mason chimes in. The king's face lights up more with pride. "What are you doing here..." he searches me "looking like this?"

"that is a long story," the king helps answer. "for now let me introduce you to officially. Lady Deirdre, meet my second son Mason." He is a prince? Holy smokes I met a prince once in my life and did not notice. Then being in the royal household is my destiny. "This gorgeous lady with him is Princess Enmyria of Veaqiles Kingdom," He said as a gorgeous-looking lady stood before me. She had fair skin, a slightly raised nose, tiny shiny lips and hypnotizing eyes. Her wavy brown hair ran down her back neatly combed. A circlet sat proudly on her head, her blue dress flowing perfectly with her body.

How did I not notice her? She could steal the attention of every person in a room with her beauty. Comparing myself to her was an understatement.

"My Lady," I say in respect giving a slight bow with my head. She gives a smile.

"You are one beautiful woman," she utters. She just called me beautiful. Her voice has goosebumps showing on my skin it tops up to her regal nature.

"we should all head to the feast." The king reminds. We all walk behind him as servants come to pick up Mason and Enmyria's belongings. King has Orion and I wait outside the door as every invitee has arrived. Orion's mood has changed to jitter. He should be used to crowds already.

"it's going to be alright," I say to him in an attempt to lift the mood. Faintly he smirks. He gives me his arm which I loop with mind just as the door opens up, the king announcing our entry.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you your champion Prince Orion and Lady Deirdre whom we've held the tournament in her honour." The crowd claps. My face is lit up with a huge grin. We take our sits this time the arrangement is different. Both sons sit on each side of their father, Enmyria sits next to Mason on the left side while I sit on the right side next to Orion.

Mithian serves us aided by other servants serving the guests. A toast is made in celebration of Orion's victory. And just like the previous day the feast went on till late in the night. Some guests began to leave using this as an opportunity to go too.

My chambers were already lit up when I got there, Mithian must have had someone do it as she was busy at the hall of worthies. A window was moving against the wind making banging noises. I take it as my cue to shut it. A knock follows afterwards.

"For a moment there I couldn't recognize you," he says leaning against the door frame his hands behind his back.

"I wouldn't be surprised Gerald too doesn't" he shrugged getting in.

"it is a possibility or he just downplays it." I grab two goblets and serve the wine on the table. We catch up as he tells me about his exploring escapades.

"I have been meaning to ask, how did you get to such a position?" he inquires slopping onto the seat.

"I came here last night and the reason I'm here..." I trail off, "That is in your father's position to answer."

"you're not marrying him, are you?"

"Don't be preposterous," I chuckle. He does not push further but gives a curious expression. "if you keep doing that we won't get anywhere with this conversation," I say once I notice how glued his eyes are on me.

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