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The king gets up from his seat, clapping excitedly. I died a million times over just standing there before everyone. Orion places a simple silver ring onto my ring finger before getting on his feet. Taking my hand and presenting us to the entire court. His hand was so hard and rough from years of training. We were like strangers aside from the times we worked side by side or in training. I was used to a harder life than this. He never gave me a chance to know him better. It was either his duties or Enmyria's. I looked at her, poor girl she was breaking apart. I could see her trying her level best to control herself. Her eyes are full of unshed tears. The king cared less about her or her presence in court all he wanted was to push my marriage to his son. I needed to talk to her and I would later. I never liked her but I felt her pain, we all were. Mason clapped his expression blank and hard to read.

"Before their marriage is done in a fortnight," he addresses. In a fortnight? That's fourteen days and my doom is sealed. "We must perform one very dignified act. My son's coronation will take place tomorrow. He may be a prince by birth but it's time he became a prince by duty too." The king says. This man was so determined to have me wed his son. Nothing was going to stop him. The present knights cheer the entire court in an uproar of happiness. We barely put up with each other during our betrothed period what about marriage? "The ceremony will serve as a coronation and engagement celebration for my son and his wife-to-be. Send the message across the kingdom and send words to all the royal friends of Oriondoth, tell them of this greater good. " The king says dismissing us. I remain behind as everyone leaves. Orion goes nowhere but I am too focused on my mission to let him get in my way.

"don't you think it's a little early, My Lord?" I begin soon as the doors are closed leaving the three of us inside.

"Yes father," he adds up giving me an irritated look. Resentment. How was I marrying such? I dreamed of marrying somebody who loved me and I loved him too not one that threw glances my way in regretful disgust.

"This is only for the greater good. The earlier the better." The kings say pacing uneasily clearly belittling our complaints.

"who's greater good?" I ask pained, "Not mine clearly,"

"Father, this is nonsense," The king shoots Orion a warning expression. I too got scared.

"Tough kings make tough decisions." He says.

"Tough decision? Is that what you call it? You are forcing me into a useless union." Well, that's one way to call it. He could have minced his words a little. His words made me feel unlikable.

"If you are protesting this because of Enmyria I will have her flogged for misleading my son and banish her from this kingdom." He spat. "One more word and you will see a side of me you never wish you had. Get out of my sight, both of you." I was taken aback at the stern warning he gave to his son. If he was ready to punish his son, my complaint would get me thrown in the stocks. Angrily I strom out headed for my chambers. I could feel my powers trying to break loose but the collar kept them intact.

"My Lady, are you alright?" Mithian says behind me. I thought of what to tell her, I could just put it across that I was rejected by Orion that would be shameful.

"I don't mean to be rude but I wish to be let alone," I say to her. As the door closes so does my outburst force itself out unable to hold them back. I let out my emotion. I reached up and pressed my thumb and forefingers against the edge of my eyes trying to restrain my tears. The rain poured outside matching my tears. Thunder clamped and lightning struck, adding nothing but more grief to me. I owed Enmyria an apology. I got up and wiped my tears composed myself enough to face her. I left my room and walked across the hallway as her room was on the other end of the palace. I was on the verge of knocking when I heard voices from inside. I patch my ears onto the door using my magic to eavesdrop.

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