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Am sorry I took so long to update you guys. I hope with my new schedule I will be updating the book as frequently as I can.😊😊♥️

I storm into my chambers grabbing the neckpiece and discarding it into the ground. All the ornaments they put on my body. I stare at the dress,  I am thinking of tearing it up but then decide it's good payment for time wasted. Hurriedly I  grab my dirty smelly clothes and place them in a bag I find the drawers. Unbelievable, What nonsense! They think they can just mess up my life, I wasn't going to let it happen. My emotions got the better part of me. I felt betrayed, whoever wrote my destiny or fate was making life unbearable. I empty the fruit basket into the leather bag.

"My Lady?" Mithian says when she's inside the chambers. "what are you doing?"

"leaving," I answer breathlessly.

"you need to calm down," did she just ask me to calm down? I toss the bag away bitterly pouring its contents.

"What did you just ask of me?" I snap charging at her. "tell me Mithian who would want to marry Orion? He is rude, arrogant, and disrespectful whatsoever."

"he can change?"

"People don't change Mithian. I have been through so much to let anyone take me back to the very pit of hell I escaped." She starts debating when I let it out on her sending her out of the room. I pick the bag up and put back the things inside.

"Sleeping on you in my head," I say giving a last look at the bed. I walk down the lit hallways not caring about the guards. The sooner I was out of there the better my life would be. Arggh! Hated recalling the hardship life had to offer on my side. The moon is overhead the sky shining brightly giving light as the stars twinkled. I exit the castle making my way down the flight of stairs into the courtyard.

"Deirdre?" he calls my name. This does not make me stop I go on with full determination. He calls out to me again.

" you need to come back," he says.

"Why should I ?" I question.

"Because we want the same thing." His statement makes me halt and turn to him. "I do not want this marriage."

"clearly, but why stop me?"

"because it doesn't matter where you went. He would still find you."

"at least I would die trying."

"there is no need for all that. Give me a few days to talk to my father to make him change his mind. That way you will leave this place in peace and not like a person who committed treason." I give his words a thought. I would be hunted down or banished for making the king look like a fool. Voluntarily, I walk back to the castle Orion behind me.

"give me your word, that you will do your best to have this marriage called off," I say to him when we get to the door of my chambers.

"you have my word." I sigh entering the room. Mithian's inside pacing about. My return gladdens her as she smiles at me. Orion bids us goodnight and storms off the room. Mithian helps me into my nightgown.

"My Lady, am sorry for having told Prince Orion you were leaving.

"you don't have to be sorry, you saved me from my stupidity," I say to her hopping into bed. For a moment I feel myself melt inside the sheet. The bed was so comfortable I could sleep and never dream of waking up. There is a hint of lavender in the sheet. Numerous pillows, all fluffy and puffy well-arranged onto the bed. I rest my head comfortably on them not eager to lift them up

"being a noble is different and feels ecstatic," I say.

"only a few get the privilege of such luxury My Lady." Mithian chimes as she puts out the candles. "I will have a servant staying in the quarters in case you need anything," She finalizes exiting. I agree to be in a comfy bed but this doesn't help as I toss and turn myriad of thoughts in my head. It has been years since I last saw mother. I was curious to know how she fared most importantly if she still had breath in her. My coming here too lingered in my mind. It's been barely a day and many things have already taken place. I was getting married soon, to a complete stranger under the commands of a great and powerful king. I weighed my options intensely putting my mother in every situation I came across.

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