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My fascination with swordsmanship grew into an addiction. After my chores were done I spent hours practicing using sticks adding new tactics, and praying that they added value.

My father once caught me swinging my stick out of scare I dropped it to the ground. He approached me curiously. I thought he would scold me instead he bent down and picked up the stick, encircled me for what felt like a century. Finally, he stopped, handing it back to me.

"Your footwork sweetheart?" he said.

"Pardon?" I asked shocked.

"Here." He says grabbing his own stick.

"I'll help you."

"Overhead." He yells. I intercept. We practice for a few.

"Where did you learn all this?"

"I was once involved with bandits. I was born and raised as one. Bandits are raised to steal and do all kinds of evil just to survive. Taliyah I made so many mistakes as a result. Not a day that passes by that I don't regret. My dear in every choice that you make in life make sure to never do anyone wrong be it for pleasure or your own benefits."

"yes father," I answer. This became the order of the day. Father tried his best to come home early so we trained together. He also taught me all about archery. We would go deep into the forest to do this routine every day. Never say I had had so much fun with my father but these moments were everything. I grew into adulthood skilled and well-trained. I promised father to use my skills for the sake of good by protecting our family. Each time I did as told father would say I was a fast learner, someone would think I was born aware of my actions.

We grew closer with each passing moon. My father's dedication blinded Ronan with jealousy. He was already of age to marry and set up his own home, however, he remained stuck with us. Creena also rejected all the suitors that asked for her hand. A bunch of adults living with their parents.
My eyes were shielded by a piece of cloth as mother helped me navigate my way around the house to the dining table. I kept giggling asking what all that was about. She kept advising patience is a virtue. As soon as I sat down she asked me if I was ready.

"mother," I scoffed, "that's all I'll ever be." I feel someone pinch my arm and I'm positive she is the one. I can't help but smile. They made us get home early Today's training with father was brief. I tried asking why but his reply was he was tired. I don't blame him, he was already old but not strength-deprived. I could hear father's heavy footsteps around as he did something. I feel the blindfold loosen. It takes a bit of seconds for my vision to clear up. The first faces I see are of my siblings sitting across me their faces green with envy. Followed were lit candles. A freshly baked cake sat in the middle of the candles.

"Happy birthday Taliyah," mother says standing on my right side presenting a new dress to me.

"Oh, mother!" I say my voice all emotional as I feel my eyes sting. Throughout my life, my family never had any birthday celebrations. This was to make sure we saved enough and the budget wasn't ruined.

"Happy birthday sweetheart," Father says to my right holding out a gift wrap with a cloth. I turn to face him as he places it on my lap. I removed the wrap to reveal a long straight metal that bore sharp edges on both sides a pointy end and the other fixed to a metal hilt. My fingers grip around it. A sword

"I have always had it. It was a symbol of loyalty to my family and kingdom." Father spoke, "I think it's your turn to carry on." He offers. I pull him into a hug. This is perfect just as I wanted them to always be when suddenly there's a metallic clink sound.

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