Snow White and the 12 Zodiac animals

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  • Dedicated to Orozco Hazel Joy Patoc

Copyright 2011 - Joy Kasten Saballegue


Hey guys! Here's the second story that I made. Thank you all for reading the first story that I made.. Please do keep on reading this new story! <3

*I really love writing weird stories.. Weird combinations.. I hope you like this one!

Please continue reading and... vote 4 it, like it and tweet this! Please guys, I really really would appreciate it..

<<<<<<---- Hit the orange button if you got confused with the title: Snow White and the 12 Zodiac Animals! :D

The music 's title is "Your biggest fan" by Nick J.

And that's nick! Cute isn't he? XD

 ♥, Joyk<3



I loved my father and mother so much...

They loved me... A LOT!

Gave everything I want...

Spoiled me...

Took care of me...

Treated me always like a little girl!

I'm their beloved little princess..

I was raised by my parents with full of love and tenderness..

I couldn't ask for more.....

They were the best parents in the whole WIDE world...


My mother... died.

Everyone believed she died...

except me...

Snow White and the 12 Zodiac animals (on hold - editing)Where stories live. Discover now