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"okay guys, we'll get going. see you at graduation!" rei smiles, hugging hyejin before getting into the cab with matthew. "bye bye!" the rest say.

daiyu already left earlier, so it was only hyejin, hanbin, and hao left.

hanbin stared down at his phone, he let out a soft sigh. "it's 9:30 haha, i should be home before my mom freaks out. hao, take care of hyejin alright? see you guys soon." hanbin said, walking off into the darkness.

"i should get going too, ill call a cab for myself since i don't feel like driving." hyejin mutters, she looks through her purse.

"you're crazy if you think im going to let you go by yourself." he smirked, tilting his head. hao digs through his pocket, grabbing car keys. "tada~! my mom convinced my dad to let me drive again. she said crashing two cars was not a big deal." he grinned, proudly displaying his new car keys.

"hao, thanks for the offer but i dont want to bother you. ill get going." she says before mindlessly walking towards the street.

"hyejin wait-" she heards a faint voice behind her, overshadowed by the loud honking of the car charging at her. she freezes when she feels a strong grip pulls her back towards the sidewalk. he holds her tight, "Did you not see that car coming towards you? Are you insane?? You could've gotten hurt." he raises his voice as he tightly grips her wrist. the other arm holding her body closer to his. he heavily breaths as he stares at her, waiting for an explanation.

she stared back, unable to speak. her chest felt right and she couldn't breathe properly. she felt her stomach drop when she realized, was the zhang hao yelling at her right now? hyejin tried to muster up her words, "i- i, im sorry i zoned out.." she stares at the floor, a tear dropping to the ground.

why am i crying, what the hell is wrong with me?

"no, wait. im sorry, i didn't mean it like that. i just wouldn't forgive myself if anything happened to you." he quietly says, gently wiping the tear off her cheek. his hands were warm, whilst hers were freezing cold.

she smiles a little, staring at the ground as she grips onto his jacket. "hey, don't zone out again. im taking you with me, okay?" hao said, gently grabbing her hands, intertwining his fingers with his. hyejins heart skips a beat, they were holding hands now as they were walking to his car, like a couple.

once they arrive to his car, hao opens the passenger door for hyejin. "wow, what a gentleman." she teased, sitting inside the car. "anything for my lady." he muttered, putting on his seatbelt. "your lady? do not ever call me that again." she laughed, deep inside she kinda liked the sound of it.


hyejin changes into her comfiest pajamas. she grabs herself a bowl of some leftover food from earlier and brings it over to her room, now she was all relaxed. she scrolls on her phone, anxiously checking her schools page. "results will be out in 2 days, hm?" she mumbled, the feeling of anxiety washing over her. she needed to get full marks, no matter what. "watch me be homeless in the next two years, she scoffed. hyejin laid her head down on her pillows. thinking about her future.

she suddenly got a vision, of her and hao on their wedding day, standing in front of all her family and friends, KISSING HIM?

she quickly got up, feeling her face heat up until she realized. "oh right, im not american. we don't do that." she rest her head back on the pillow in relief but immediately got back up again. "but we'll have to do it at some point right?? and honeymoon too??? oh god. im still mentally a 11 year old im not ready..." she whines to herself, hitting her pillow over and over again.

she freezes once more. "i mean, is it that bad? i think im being dramatic." she grabs her phone, and presses haos contact. hyejin frowns a little, smacking her phone then throwing it over on her lap.

"am i being dramatic? i mean, i wouldn't choose anyone else to marry. im kind of hopeless, i should be grateful im getting rid of an obstacle in my life right? i really don't mind now that i think about it. he's so pretty, and sweet. he's kinda bipolar but, other than that. he's my hubby or whateverr." she giggles, feeling a bit cringe as she says those words out loud.

"hubby?" a giggle could be heard from her phone.

hyejin freezes, her head slowly turned towards her phone. she had called him by accident during her little mental breakdown.

"GOODNIGHT!" she yelled, hanging up. hyejin threw her phone on the bed again. her hands were now covering her mouth in disbelief. "what is WRONG WITH ME." she yells out loud, continuously hitting herself.

"shin hyejin, be quiet! your cousins are here!" a voice was heard from downstairs. hyejin sighs, were they here for a sleepover? she hasn't seen them in years. she quickly put on a jacket and walked down the stairs.

she was greeted by her two cousins, hyunjin and yeji. "huh? whys hyunjin so tall? i swear he was shorter than me last time i saw him." she thought to herself. "hey guys." hyejin forces a smile.

"so you're not going to hug your unnie? im sad now." yeji pouts.

"right.." hyejin shyly hugs her cousin, its been a while since they've seen each other, so there was a bit of an awkward tension between the three.

"wheres my hug then??" hyunjin frowns, spreading his arms for a group hug. hyejin rolls her eyes, he's still as needy as ever. she hugs the two of them.

"hyejin, take them to your room. ill go sleep, take care." her mom tiredly says, rubbing the bridge of  her nose.

"letch gooo!!" hyunjin jumps, grabbing his bags and rushing upstairs.

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