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It was nearing the final week of school, the final exams were about to begin. it would've been way easier for hyejin to focus on her studying but unfortunately for her, everything was hazy. hyejin went from top student to average student quickly. she knew she had to put more effort into her studying and it pressured her a lot. she didn't have time to focus on her case so everyone was just a mess, but at least it was more bearable having her friend by her side.

a couple weeks went by, hyejin and rei were sitting together at a cafe, enjoying some donuts and coffee. the table was filled with chitchat and laughter. they were talking about all sorts of things, the exams, animals, songs, art. it was nice for hyejin to finally calm down after weeks of stress. hyejin notices reis expression quickly changing, like she was hiding something from her.

"hey shin hyejin. whatever happens, do not turn around." those words made hyejin even more eager to know what was making rei so uncomfortable, hyejin ignored her warning then turned around. once she did, she regretted it really badly. there zhanghao was, sitting with another girl from school. they were having a study date. you could visibly see him flirting with her, they seemed awfully close. hyejin was shocked, all she could think about was how could he move on so fast when she's been holding onto him this whole time. she tried reminding herself that everything would be over soon but it kept leaving her wondering if those two had been flirting for a while.

"seriously? maybe i should have listened." she sighed, biting her lips and reaching for her donut and quietly chewing on it. "it doesn't matter hye, if this doesn't work out trust me theres way hotter guys at our school. look at wang zihao for example, he's cute and seems like a sweetheart. or you could go for shen ricky, he's still an option." she assured her friend, patting her on the head.

"i dont want either, i want hao."

"yeah well your hao is flirting with another girl right now so, which option seems better?

"hm i guess you're right, zihao does seem like boyfriend material." they giggled, trying to ease the tension. hyejin was wondering if zhanghao was doing that on purpose. it hurt, but she kept reminding herself how all her pain was temporary.

rei could sense her friend being upset, she felt like it was her fault. she gets up, pulling her arm and dragging her outside of the cafe. she felt like her friend didn't deserve to be in the same room as someone who made her feel that way.

"okay, lets figure out what to do, the wedding is a week after graduation. wait, wait do you even have a dress?"

"of course. his little daddy payed for everything, he told me it would be a huge wedding or whatever so i'm kind of excited."

"damn you lucky bitch"

"i wouldn't call myself lucky technically because i'm being blackmailed and my husband is flirting with another girl like 20 feet from me right now."

"right, sorry. lets collect our evidence and go to the police in a bit."

a couple hours later, rei and hyejin are ready to enter the police station. their hearts are pounding as they enter the room, heads turning towards the two. hyejin goes to up to the receptionist, waiting for an available police man. moments later, they get called over into the room where the police officer is.

"hello ladies, how can i accommodate you today?"

hyejin opens her bag, pulling out a bunch of printer papers and placing them onto the table.

"yes hello sir, i would like to arrest this man. his name is zhang huan, famous owner of the zhang company. he blackmailed and threatened me not knowing that i found these papers as evidence of him being a criminal, please look through them. but please before you do or say anything , we want this to be as private as possible. he cant know that I'm at the police station right now because he actually threatened me." she slightly stuttered, being intimidated by the scary looking police man.

the officer picks up the papers, looking through them with his expressions changing as he reads through the evidence. he suddenly calls over one of his workers, whispering something inaudible into his ear as rei and hyejin sit there in confusion. the officer clears his voice.

"thank you for sharing this with our department, we will look more into this case and give you our feedback. in the meantime, please leave your number on this paper so we could call you back once we're done. "

"right, thanks." she reaches her hand out to grab the pen and writing her number on the paper feeling a sense of dissatisfaction. she had thought that she would get a better response with her proof, but was disappointed at the end.

hyejin and rei left the police station feeling uneasy. despite having more pressing concerns like their upcoming final exams and college applications, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about everything. they discussed what they the police officer said, trying to figure things out as they both sighed from frustration.

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