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He took a step forward, his face contorted with rage. He towered over her, his voice low and menacing. He made it clear that she had stumbled upon something that was none of her business, and that if she breathed a word of it to anyone, there would be consequences. He warned her that she was playing with fire, and that she had better think twice before she did anything rash. She could see the fury in his eyes, and she knew that she was in serious trouble. She tried to back away, but he grabbed her by the arm, his grip tight and unyielding. She knew that she had to tread carefully if she wanted to get out of this alive.

"i'm assuming you already read through everything. i'm going to give you two options."

her heart pounded in her chest as she felt the man's grip tighten on her arm. She could feel the fear rising in her, like a wave threatening to engulf her. She tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. She could see the anger in his eyes, and she knew that she was in serious trouble. She tried to speak, but her mouth was dry and her throat felt tight. She could feel her pulse racing, and she wondered if she was going to pass out.

"listen carefully. you can keep your mouth shut and no one finds about this, and your marriage could still go on, but i will make sure that hao will despise you. or, you complain to the police and i will make sure that you and whoever you love will suffer, including my son. and believe me, i have ways of making people suffer that you cant imagine. so thing long and hard before you make your next move."

"how could you do that to your own son??"
she yelled, feeling her breathing become heavier.

"i never wanted children, he's the least of my worries. but trust me, you have made a big mistake shin hyejin and you will atone for it."

she felt a cold shiver run down her spine as the man's words sank in. It was like a switch had been flipped inside her, and suddenly she was completely aware of the danger she was in. She felt like she was in a nightmare, like she couldn't escape. Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of what was happening, but it was like her thoughts were moving through molasses. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, like it was trying to escape. She knew that she had to do something, but she wasn't sure what. It was like she was frozen in place, like she couldn't move.
she knew that there was so getting out of this. she had no choice but to agree to the mans first offer. he loosened up his grip on hyejins arm, excusing her to leave his office. as she left, she had realized that zhanghao told her to go to the left, but she went to the right. her guilt sank in as she realized that she could've easily avoided this if she had listened carefully to zhanghao. she went over to the storage room, grabbing the first aid kit and leaving immediately.

"hyejin what took you so long? i cant feel my fingers anymore" he sighed as he took the box from her hands. it took zhanghao a moment to realize hyejins pale yellow looking complexion. "hyejin? whats wrong" he rushed over towards her, putting the kit down on the counter. he cupped her shaking hands between his hands, ignoring the burning sensation on his fingers for her sake. "oh it was nothing, i saw a spider in there" she stuttered, forcing a happy expression. zhanghao could tell something easily wrong but he didn't want to force it out of her. he sighed as he let go of her hands, putting cream on his fingers and bandaging it.

as they ate breakfast, zhanghao noticed that hyejin has barely been eating. he started to wonder if his cooking wasn't good. "is my food that bad?" he looked at her, hoping to get an honest answer. "no no, its great. i'm just not hungry right now" she replied, still attempting to force her smile.

after eating, hyejin excused herself home, even though zhanghao was hoping to hang out with her the same day. he was disappointed at the sudden mood changes of hyejin but decided not to question her. hyejin got herself a taxi and went back home. as she stepped foot into her room, she rushed immediately to check her phone, that had recorded everything that zhanghaos dad had said the whole time. "fuck you old man, you think you can threaten me?" she said to herself, holding the evidence in her hands.

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