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"hm?" she replied in confusion, her hands holding onto her phone.

"i just think its too late for you to go, just stay a night and go tomorrow morning" he muttered, nervously looking the other way.

"i really can't, my parents will-"

"its okay, but at least let me driving you home" he cut her off, but this time with a genuine offer.


the car ride was awfully quiet.

hyejin never thought she'd end up getting driven home by a guy, at least not zhanghao. the atmosphere got thicker, hyejin was starting to wish for him to say something, anythting.

"I'm sorry" he finally blurted, leaving hyejin surprised. whats he sorry for? nothing at the top of her head.

"for what, exactly?" she asks, turning her head over to zhanghao who was in the drivers seat.

"i don't know, i guess I've been a jerk to you this whole time." he mumbled,  acknowledging the fact that hes been treating her awfully ever since he transferred there. the guilt has been suffocating him all day, he genuinely didn't expect her to accept his apology anyway but, ever since he saw the situation she was in earlier outside, he had this sudden wave of frustration wash over him. it was like, he wanted to keep her safe.

"i forgive you, only because you look like you're about to cry" she teasingly replied as she chuckled, looking at how nervous zhanghao appeared. "just don't crash this car and were good." she teased, patting him on the shoulder.

as they finally reached hyejins house, she awkwardly thanked him. they shared one last glance before parting ways.

she was kind of disappointed at the fact that her parents didn't end up showing to the dinner but, at this point it wasn't surprising. she walked inside her house, feeling frustrated. hyejin steps into her room and got changed, immediately jumping onto her bed.

hyejin could feel her heart beating faster as she thought about her night, her face was starting to burn up all of a sudden. "god what is wrong with me? i'm probably just tired or something " she thinks to herself. she wanted to scream into a pillow for feeling that way. she gave in and ended up rolling over and going to sleep.


next morning,

"hyejinn!!!! we haven't heard from you since yesterday" rei yelled across the corridor, hyejin jumped from the sudden sound of shouting as all the students stared at hyejin. it was slightly annoying being the center of attention most of the time but at this point, shes was used to it.

"oh hi rei, sorry i was so busy last night" she replied. "busy doing what? zhang hao?" she loudly blurted out, the eyes of the students shifting to hyejin again, but this time everyone looked shocked. her eyes widened from embarrassment as her hand quickly slapped onto reis mouth. "why don't we take this somewhere private" she whispered, smiling like a maniac. she grabbed onto her loud friends arm and dragged her to the a quiet corner.

"okay who the hell told you about last night?" hyejin whispered in disbelief. she knew how schools were, causing her to be concerned about any weird rumors spreading for no reason.

"ricky told me, of course." rei proudly stated, pulling up with receipts on her phone. showing screenshots of their texts.

"how the hell do you know ricky?" hyejin replied, having a confused expression on her face. its almost like rei knew everyone. this girl could pull up with pictures of her and elon musk and hyejin wouldn't be shocked.

"oh we go wayyyy back, our moms are friends. but he said something about you and hao, dont you have a crush on hanbin?? girlie is homie hopping " rei teases, continuously poking hyejins cheeks.

"okay yeah i was with him but its not what you think, ill tell you later" hyejin explains, smacking reis head as she dragged her across the halls.

they walk back to their classes, hyejin has math, rei has chemistry. they talk for a while then part ways. as hyejin walks to her seat, she sees ricky sitting on the seat beside hers. he smiled and tapped on the seat beside him, signaling her to sit.

she smiled back and sits next to him, unpacking her things. seconds later, zhang hao walks in, his eyes meet with rickys, giving him a confused look. he ends up sitting at the table beside hyejins. the lesson began, everyone focusing on their work. midway through the lesson, ricky taps hyejins shoulder and whispers

"since were close now, shouldn't i have your number?" ricky asked, leaning his head on his hande. hyejin was a little taken aback, since guys don't usually ask for her number since being top student was all she was known for.

she let out a nervous laugh, picking up her pen "ah okay let me write it down on a paper-"

"ill probably lose it, just write it on my arm" he smirked, he could feel zhang hao glaring at him across the room. ricky enjoyed getting on his nerves, they've been like that since childhood.

"okay okay hold still, my handwriting is kinda shaky" she took a pen out and lifted rickys sleeve, moving his arm closer to her, she quickly wrote down her number before anyone could notice but of course, zhang hao already witnessed it all. he's been monitering them the whole lesson, zhanghaos always been jealous of rickys flirting skills. no wonder he's sensitive about the topic..

the whole lesson goes by smoothly. ricky and hyejin had many things in common so they had a lot to whisper about in class. she was trying hard to focus in class but, having ricky beside her was too distracting that she was considering switching seats at some point. a long lesson later, the bell finally rang, ending the students misery.

as hyejin was walking to her locker, she hears a familiar voice call out her name so she naturally turned around.

"shin hyejinn~ ive got movie tickets for 2 on sunday, wanna come?" ricky excitedly asks her, the newest spiderman movie came out, who doesn't love spiderman?

"oh ricky actually, i really dont know if i can make it.. but ill text you beforehand!" she awkwardly said, leaving him a little disappointed. "fine but if you do come, its a date" he smiled, titling his head to the side, "see you on sunday hyejin~"

"wow, how could he look so cool by doing anything..?" hyejin mumbled to herself.

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