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As Sunday approached, Hyejin knew that she had to make a decision. After much contemplation, she decided to meet Zhanghao at a new restaurant in town. She called a cab and made her way to the restaurant, her heart racing with anticipation.

As she arrived, she saw Zhanghao sitting alone at a table, playing with his food. She couldn't help but stare at him through the window, admiring him from afar. As she pushed the glass door and walked in, Zhanghao noticed her walking towards his table. He tried to hide his smile, but he couldn't help feeling happy to see her.

Hyejin sat down on the chair across from him, still looking at him. She noticed his eyes and the mole under his eye. Had it always been there? She honestly couldn't remember.

Zhanghao breathed a sigh of relief. "You came," he said, his voice filled with embarrassment. He had been anxious all day, wondering if she would show up. But now that she was here, he felt a sense of relief wash over him.

"of course i did. i realized i have to think about my future, our future. i still kinda despise you but i want to spend more time together." she said. she smiled shyly, its finally the day she accepted them being together.

Zhanghao reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful silver chained necklace with a sapphire gem, shaped into a star on it. "Here, take this," he said, handing it to Hyejin. He had noticed that she always wore star hair clips in her hair, and her birth gem being a sapphire. So he thought that this necklace would be the perfect gift for her. "I just didn't know when to give it," he added, feeling a little shy.

Hyejin looked at the necklace in awe. It was beautiful, and it meant so much to her that Zhanghao had noticed her love for stars. She put the necklace on, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort. As she looked at Zhanghao, she couldn't help but feel grateful for his thoughtfulness.

Zhanghao, still feeling shy, looked the other way. He didn't want to make things awkward, but he couldn't help feeling happy that he had made Hyejin smile. As they continued their conversation, Hyejin felt a sense of connection with Zhanghao. She knew that he was someone special, and she was grateful for his presence in her life.

"hao this means alot to me"

Hyejin reached out for Zhanghao's hand. She held it tightly, feeling a sense of comfort and gratitude. She looked into his eyes and whispered, "thank you."

hyejin and zhanghao continued to laugh and joke around. They talked about all sorts of things, from their favorite TV shows to their favorite hobbies. They made dumb jokes and laughed at each other, feeling a sense of comfort. it was exciting to find someone with so much in common for hyejin, same went for zhanghao. they both had a love for friend chicken, they could talk about it for hours.

As they walked, Hyejin couldn't help but feel a sense of closeness to Zhanghao. She felt like they had a real connection, and she knew that she wanted to spend more time with him. When he suggested walking her home, she felt glad to spend more time together.

As they walked, they talked about all sorts of things, feeling a sense of comfort and ease with each other. They laughed and made fun of eachother. When they arrived at Hyejin's house, they said their goodbyes to each other.

Zhanghao felt a sense of loneliness as he said goodbye to Hyejin. He wanted to hug her, but he didn't want to make things weird between them. He knew that they had a connection , and he didn't want to ruin it by making things awkward.

Hyejin smiled at Zhanghao, She knew that they would see each other again soon, and she was excited to spend more time with him. "see you later hao," she said, as they parted ways.

As soon as Hyejin shut the door, she felt a sense of nervousness wash over her. She couldn't believe how close she and Zhanghao had gotten in just one day. Her heart was racing, and she didn't know why.

She tried to calm herself down by taking deep breaths, but her mind kept racing. "was I flirting??" she thought to herself, feeling a sense of panic. "Did I flirt with him?? no way. me and zhanghao? no."

She tried to shake the feeling off, but it was no use. She couldn't stop thinking about him. She felt a sense of excitement and nervousness all at once, and she didn't know what to do.

Hyejin buried her face in her pillow, feeling a sense of confusion and nervousness. She didn't know what to do with herself. Her heart was racing, and her mind was spinning.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She knew that she needed to get some rest, but she couldn't stop thinking about him.

she couldn't wait to see him again.

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